nursing jobs in local jails
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The population of San Diego, CA was estimated to be 1, in Minimum Wage The State of California enforces different minimum wages in some districts. The city of San Diego may be in a district with a different minimum wage than this. Additionally, the city served as a home for several military bases and naval air stations, which increased in size after World War II.

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Nursing jobs in local jails

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Nurses who choose to move away from bedside nursing often work independently or in a more self-guided role. Because interaction with other nurses is often limited, so is the chance of experiencing workplace bullying. Lack of assistance in an emergency.

Some non-bedside nursing jobs, like Camp Nurse or Flight Nurse positions, limit the amount of support available to nurses. While nurses in these positions are trained to handle emergency situations, it can still feel overwhelming at times. There may be fewer opportunities to advance. Non-bedside nurses may take on roles considered "terminal," meaning there is little if any, room for advancement.

Staff relationships may not be as strong. Because non-bedside nurses may work alone or with few colleagues, building strong relationships with the nursing staff can be difficult. If you are a loner, you may not consider this a negative thing. However, having a relationship with others who share your passion for nursing and who can challenge you is always a good thing. Listed in alphabetical order, the following 28 Best Non-Bedside Jobs provide great options for nurses who are considering a job away from the bedside.

Camp Nurse What is the Job Role of a Camp Nurse: The role of a camp nurse requires one to possess a broad range of clinical knowledge and skills. Duties of a camp nurse range from treating minor illnesses or injuries to developing plans to address communicable disease outbreaks.

Verifying physical paperwork and immunization records may be part of their responsibility. Residential camps may last for a few days, weeks, or extend an entire summer. As the name suggests, day camps are operational during the day, and campers go home in the evening or at night. Who is a Good Fit for this Job: If you are interested in nursing jobs that are not bedside and you have a love for the great outdoors, the job of a camp nurse could be an excellent choice for you. Camp nurses usually work independently or with little support staff.

Therefore, the ability to multitask and good organization skills are helpful. Also, there may be times when you must make quick decisions about a person's care, which means working well under pressure is also an essential skill. Doesn't make them "bad".

Sometimes they just get mixed with the wrong crowd and make bad choices. You need to have excellent assessment skills, as you may be the only "medical" person available. LOTS of autonomy. If you want to advance, just hang around,you could be DON in a short time. Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.

He told me the prisoners were nice to the nurses. He has never had a problem with a prisoner not respecting a nurse But again, it would depend on the prisoner. Has 43 years experience. There is a lot of good stuff there! So in short, you're treating some of the same patients, the difference is that in the jail, the nurse never gets involved with an out of control patient, the guards handle that.

We assess, triage, and treat inmates; while at the same time we must consider the inmate's motives, mental health, addictions, legal problems, and our own safety!! We are the first to deal with any medical complaint from an inmate! We are Mental Health, E. We do not have the luxury of an M. We decide if an imate must be sent out for emergency medical service and then we must be ready to explain or defend every step of our decision making process. We deal with inmates who will lie, cheat, and manipulate, just to break up the monotony of their own day.

We must also police the inmates so they don't "cheek" their meds in order to stockpile or use as currency. We have inmates who never have or never would take a pill, but because they are now in jail and "entitled to health care" will take advantage of every free handout they can get. This is not a "relaxed" nursing job! This is a fast paced and demanding job which requires you to utilize all of your nursing skills while working autonomously!

I got hired yesterday for my first nursing job at a city jail. I never really preferred jail nursing in clinicals through school and could never really see myself doing it. I have looked and looked for months for my first nursing job and this was the only job opportunity that came up. I toured the jail yesterday and became overwhelmed with the inmates yelling things at me and the jail wasnt that clean.