questions to ask in job interviews
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Questions to ask in job interviews

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Is it a desk job that only requires them to be by themselves self or is it work that demands coordination and communication with others? This question has more importance at this time due to the current remote working environment. What are some weak points you can work on? All job applicants have weaknesses in their character or qualifications, and immediately admitting them during the interview can actually be a sign of strength.

What are your greatest strengths to a company? The ability of a candidate to talk about their strengths and still maintain their humility is a strong indicator of a winning personality. Talk about a critical work situation you solved It is often in the pressure-filled and stressful situations where professionals and real leaders emerge victoriously and experience their greatest growth gains. When conflict arises at work how do you handle it?

Why do you plan on leaving your current employer? Listen closely to how the candidates show their respect for their current boss and company. Having this type of scrutiny will give you a better idea of how these candidates will treat their supervisors and colleagues if they are hired into your organization. They may be a good fit on paper, but when you interview them, you may get a sense from their answers that hint at possible trouble for the organization down the road.

How do you deal with tight deadlines? I put the most urgent ones on top of the list. Next, I focus on each task with complete concentration until I finish it before moving on to the next urgent task. Describe your ideal workspace Since this is an open-ended question and not answerable with yes or no, let the applicants take their time to describe to you how their ideal work environment would be and see if it matches your current office environment.

How would your current boss describe you? This question will hopefully give you a better idea of how the interviewee interacts with their current and past managers. Outline the process on how you set goals Your best employees are generally driven and goal-oriented. This question will help ensure they have the ability to not only reach goals you would set for them but set their own goals to achieve as well.

The top candidates will be able to explain their goal-setting process in detail, how they set up their goals, break goals into smaller tasks, and measure their success once completing them. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? An ambitious professional with a clear set of goals for the short, medium, and long term, is an invaluable asset to the company.

This is true especially if they parallel their career growth with the company they are interviewing at. As they grow professionally and financially, the company grows and expands too. During the interview, confident job seekers will discuss that they seek a company with upward mobility as they help the company prosper. What do you want to do differently at a new job? The type of answer here will let you know their line of thinking. Do they launch into a negative conversation about their current or former boss?

Or do they look towards the future excited about the potential in your company? Have you applied for any other positions? If the interviewee has been applying for other positions, is a good idea to see what types of positions they have applied for. Are the positions similar to your opening or totally different?

Have you had any other interviews recently? A great question if the interview has been going great and you want to know the type of competition your up against. By probing for where the candidate has interviewed recently. You can establish better timeline on if you should act quickly and extend a job offer. It also gives you one final chance to further highlight your relevant qualities and experience. Try to come up with at least four or five questions to ask the interviewer.

That way, if one or two of them are answered during the earlier discussion, you have backups in place. Avoid asking questions that focus too much on what the organisation can do for you. Save questions about salary and holiday allowance for when you've got a job offer.

Also, stay away from questions that require a yes or no answer, as you're likely to find this information on the company's website. While it's ok to ask your interviewer to clarify certain points, avoid asking about anything that has previously been covered.

You don't want them to think that you haven't been paying attention. If you need some inspiration here are some good questions to ask at an interview… Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role? Asking this question enables you to learn as much about the role as possible.

The interviewer's response will provide insight into what skills and experience are needed, and will also help you decide if the role is right for you. The answer will give you an idea of what the employer's expectations are, so if you're offered the job there should be no surprises when you start.

How could I impress you in the first three months? This is a good question to ask at the end of a job interview because it shows potential employers that you're eager to make a positive contribution to the organisation. Pay close attention to the recruiter's response as it will tell you how they want you to perform and will highlight particular areas of the job you should be focusing on during the first few weeks of employment.

Enquiring about development opportunities demonstrates to the interviewer that you're serious about your career and committed to a future with the organisation. You don't want to be stuck in a dead-end job so if you're unsure of the typical career path for someone in this role, asking this question will help you to assess whether a long-term career with the company is a possibility, or if you'd need to move on to gain further responsibility.

Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years? The response you receive will give you an insight into the company's progression plans and its place in the market, while giving you a general idea about job security.

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Instead, explain to the interviewer that this job at this company is the perfect fit for you. Mention what your short-term and long-term career goals are, and how this position ties to them. There, I used to do programmatic ads model design. I believe that worked with such a large-scale project will allow me to progress significantly faster in my career. The right way to go about here is to find common ground between the two answers. The interviewer is probably asking because they want to know whether they have competition in hiring you.

They also want to know if you are serious about the industry and are legitimately looking to be employed in this field of work. If you do have other interviews lined up for other companies, express that you are keeping your options open but that you favor this job in comparison to the others. Stick to the same approach. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I have had two interviews during the past week with companies in X and Y industries.

To get this right, try using the STAR method. It goes something like this: S: Situation - Set the scene and context. T: Task - Describe what your challenge or responsibility was. A: Action - List and dwell on all the actions you took towards addressing the challenge or responsibility. R: Result - Explain what the outcomes were and how they fit with the overall goal of the project or company.

So, find a work-related achievement that showcases your contribution through your skills and experience to something that matters to the company. Instead of just complaining about a lack of direction, I started reading up on digital marketing - pretty much anything I could get my hands on. With a lot more confidence in my abilities, I started experimenting with other strategies. Then, over the next 2 years, I got promoted to Head of Marketing. My family was unable to support me financially, so I had to take care of all the university bills on my own.

Through hard work and dedication, I ended up graduating with almost no student loans. I managed this through a combination of: Working part-time while studying Doing seasonal full-time work during the summer Maintaining a high CGPA and winning 2 scholarships over 4 years 13 What kind of work environment do you like best? For example, some organizations are pretty structured and hierarchical, they require tight organization and have a well-planned day filled with rules and guidelines on how to do things.

On the other hand, some companies are more laid back, with a lot less bureaucracy. So, the takeaway? Look at employee reviews on GlassDoor, or if you know someone already working there, ask them. Depending on what you learn, answer accordingly. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I work best in smaller companies. I really dislike the corporate world - rules, guidelines, SOPs, and so on. I perform best when I have a certain level of freedom to do things. Sample Answer 2: I love working in a youthful, energetic environment.

I like to think of my work as a second home, and my coworkers as family. The last company I worked at had such an environment, and I excelled at the job. I get that exact feeling about Company X, since the moment I walked in here for the interview. There are diplomatic ways to go around it. In general, the motivation behind this question is for the interviewer to assess whether you are an ambitious person or not and whether you have realistic expectations for your career.

While I loved what I studied at the university, I want to see if working in the field feels the same. Still not sure how to answer this one? You already know the most common job interview questions, and can probably deflect whatever the interviewer throws at you.

Depending on your specific situation, though, you might also need to learn how to answer these situational job interview questions The degree is not the dealbreaker here, but your answer to the question might be. When asking this question, the interviewer is trying to see your reasoning for pursuing a career instead of getting another degree. Instead, give compelling arguments, such as… You wanted to see whether your field was the right one for you.

You wanted to get some practical work experience before committing to another degree. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: At this stage of my life, I decided to pursue my career instead of further education. On the one hand, I want to make sure that Marketing is what I want to do with my life. On the other hand, I believe that in my field, practical work experience is a lot more valuable than academic.

I believe that for software engineering, practical experience matters a lot more than having a degree. After all, job-hopping is one of the biggest red flags for HR managers. True, you might have had a reasonable cause. Companies tend to be skeptical because of the following reasons… You might be a job hopper. Some people tend to switch jobs the moment they get a better salary offer. You get bored easily and your solution to that is quitting. The best way to answer this question is to explain the reason you switched jobs.

I work with: -Landing pages -Email marketing -And sales pages Around a week after I started work at the company, I realized that they were actually looking for something completely different. They asked me to write generic blog and social media posts, which is pretty far off from what I do. This was really not what I expected, and not something I find interesting.

Sample Answer 2: Well, as a start, my first job was in a big corporation straight out of university. So, at the end of my internship there, I decided to try working at a startup. I enjoyed that job a LOT more, as it gave me a lot of freedom when it comes to problem-solving. I wasn't told HOW to do it. Rather, I was given the option of coming up with my own solution. Unfortunately, the company went belly-up after failing to raise money, putting me back on the job market.

If you recently changed your career path , the interviewer is sure to ask about it. A lot of people go through a career change. Some even do it several times in their lifetime! When asked this question, all you have to do is answer truthfully. Possible answers: Sample Answer I realized that being a doctor is not for me. While I did enjoy my 3 years in med school, the 6 year study period was too much. I wanted to start making money and help out my family way before that, so I dropped out of university and started taking online courses in accounting.

Sample Answer 2 Simply because I enjoy doing sales much more than accounting. After 5 years of working as an accountant for Firm X, I decided I wanted to try something new. I asked my boss at the time to let me transition to the sales team, and I ended up liking it AND being pretty good at it.

When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn: Did you have a good reason for leaving your last job? I learned as much as I could at this position while delivering amazing results. It was, however, time to switch to something new.

Meaning, did you go through the offboarding process, instructing your coworkers on how to take up your responsibilities? The management was too controlling and micromanaging. I prefer to have some control over my work, and being able to contribute by going above and beyond my requirements. Meaning, gave a timely resignation notice , and transferred all the essential company knowledge to my replacement. The fault was in my communication skills at the time.

The losses were not more than 3-figures, but apparently, the relationship with the client was already strained, so they ended up leaving. You probably have a very good reason for it. The interviewer, however, will definitely ask about it, and you should answer adequately.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that if you were laid off at work, or you quit and had trouble getting a new job , you should be very subtle about it. Now this is a tough one. Getting fired is pretty much never good. Getting fired, on the other hand, means that you got let go for a reasonable cause.

If you got fired and the interviewer asks you about it, you should be honest. After all, they can easily check-in with your previous employer. My boss is a total tool, and he hates me for no real reason. He yelled at me for no real reason! The interviewer was unclear about the job responsibilities - from what I understood, they were looking for a senior-level marketer to oversee their email marketing operations.

At the end of the day, though, it turned out that the company was looking to experiment with email marketing, and specifically for someone to set it up from scratch. Now, you should look at this as a red flag. In this case, ask them to clarify what they mean. Do you offer overtime pay for this kind of situation? During my weekend-off, not one, but three of my coworkers got sick, and I had to spot for them. The weekend was peak season in Nantucket, so the restaurant was getting seriously overwhelmed.

All of a sudden, we went from being very prepared for the season, to complete panic. Had to jump between serving, bussing, and line-cooking, but overall, managed to survive through the weekend successfully. Did your boss give you a glowing performance review?

Make sure to mention it here! My position as a PR manager involves constantly keeping track of our clients brand reputation, and if something goes wrong, dealing with it as fast as possible. In a lot of cases, you need to be very proactive - if you wait for your entire team to have a meeting on how to deal with the issue, it might already be too late. There were different situations where I had to take charge and react to problems literally the moment they arose, whether it was during my work hours, or not.

When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn if you have any medical conditions that could impair your ability to do the job correctly. Chances are, at this stage of the interview, you already know a lot about your future position and the company.

What are the key processes? What does your department do? What are the current problems and challenges? Where can you help? Give the interviewer an exact example of when you excelled at working with a team. I excel at team-work. This one time while working at [Company X], I was assigned to an existing team working on a web application for a business process management company. They were working on a tight deadline, and needed help on the API side.

I optimised their development cycles and oversaw a team of three developers while collaborating with the other two dev teams. Everything went pretty well, and we managed to finish the project on time. Ask yourself - is risk-taking a valuable skill for the job? So, depending on how valuable risk is for your job, answer accordingly. You could also give a more strategic answer.

You need to be a risk taker to an extent, but being too risk-friendly might make the entire company go bankrupt. As with most interview questions, you should give examples of situations where you had to take risks, and what the end-results were. I believe that to achieve real results, you always need to be willing to take a certain level of risk. Pretty much any marketing initiative you launch is tied to risk. You can plan everything from beginning till the end, but no matter how well you plan it out, things might just not work out.

The most important things are to one, minimize your risks, and two, minimize potential damages if everything goes very, very wrong. While working at Investment Bank X, we had a very interesting policy for investing in new fintech projects.

We used to avoid moon-shots, high-tech projects, as well as anything that had an experimental business model. Our strategy was to invest in proven tech. As in, proven product-market fit, business model, etc.

In most cases, these were runner up companies. More often than not, this ended up being more profitable, and significantly less risky. During chaos and panic, I tend to take a step back, think, plan, and prioritize. I would break up large assignments into small, individual tasks, and prioritize based on: How fast I could complete each task Figuring out which task would take the longest Which project had the earliest deadline This way, my work became a lot more manageable.

The most times I had to experience such situations, the better I performed overall. I look at it as a challenge - a situation where I really have to up my game to succeed. As a cook, working under pressure is pretty much part of the job. By definition, hard work is when you, well, work hard.

Smart work on the other hand, means doing the work efficiently. Keep in mind, though, that by asking this question, the interviewer is looking to understand what your work ethic is like. That is, they want you to be the candidate who not only thinks smartly but works hard as well. Smart work, on one hand, lets you figure out the best and most efficient way to get things done.

For an example of smart for, during my time at [Made Up Corporation], I was in charge of the sales department. On the other hand, the whole migration process took around 3 months of hard work. So, you should be able to pick up new tech ASAP. So, when answering this question, you should talk about how tech-savvy you are. If the interviewer asks you this question, take it as a good sign!

I have my own personal short-story blog, and contribute actively to several online writing communities such as Writing Prompts on Reddit. I like to keep active, as it really helps keep me productive. How come? To be fair, many people worry about which questions are okay to ask.

And sometimes people misunderstand how they can best use this part of the interview. Rather than using it to find out the information they truly want to know about the job, the manager, and the culture, they instead try to use the time to further impress their interviewer and pitch themselves for the job.

Here, ten really strong questions that will get you useful insights into whether the job is right for you. Questions About the Position 1. You might find out that while the job posting listed 12 different responsibilities, your success in fact just hinges on 2 of them, or that the posting dramatically understated the importance of 1 of them, or that the hiring manager is battling with her own boss about expectations for the role, or even that the manager has no idea what success would look like in the job which would be a sign to proceed with extreme caution.

Or you might find out that the part of the job that you were most excited about actually only comes up every six months. But even barring major insights like that, the answer to this question can just help you better visualize what it will actually be like to be in the job day after day. What took up most of their time? What has turnover in the role generally been like? Questions About Your Success in the Position 5. The thing about this question is that it goes straight to the heart of what the hiring manager is looking for.

And this question says that you care about the same thing.

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To see a detailed list of cookies, click here. What steps do you take to keep employees highly motivated? What are some reasons people like working here? How many people joined your company last year? How is your turnover and what are you doing to improve it? Why do you think people leave the company? Have you cut headcount or had any layoffs in the past two years? What would you say is the most important aspect of the company culture? Who is your biggest competitor and what would you say is one key difference I should know?

How does the company attract sales or develop client relationships? What new changes or developments in the company have been announced recently? How do you encourage your employees to keep current with professional developments in the field?

How do you ensure the salary of long term employees stays competitive with the overall market? How are raises typically handled and what is the standard timeline for increases in salary? How does the company view creativity and individuality? If you could change one thing about the company, what would it be? Would you say that management is open to ideas and suggestions?

Whereas, an HR person or recruiter should be able to give you some general company information, and can be asked the questions from the previous section. How much power do individual teams have when it comes to selecting technologies and methods to use for certain projects? How are your teams structured? How often will my team get together and meet as a group?

Is the work on this team more collaborative or independent? What types of team events do you do together? Does anyone on the team ever get together outside of the office? Do you ever do joint events with other teams or departments in the company? What tools does the team use to communicate each day? Do you expect to do more hiring in this group in the next six months? Which other teams work most closely with this one in the company?

What is the average tenure of the current team? In what area could your team use some improvement? What are the current goals the company is focused on and how does this team support those goals? How do you ensure that each team member is doing quality work? Finally, since many of the questions below are opinion-based questions, you can ask multiple people the same question. For example, you can ask one of these questions to a recruiter, then an HR person, then the hiring manager, all in the same day of interviewing.

How long have you been with the company and what made you decide to come here? What do you wish you had known before you joined the company? What have you found to be the biggest challenge in working here? What has allowed you to be successful here? How did you develop your career in this organization? Do you feel someone entering the company today would have similar opportunities? What excites you most about coming to work each day? Questions to Ask About the Interview Process Next, you can ask the hiring manager questions about the interview process and what to expect from the company as you continue to interview.

These are the best questions to ask the interviewer about the interviewing and hiring process for this job. When do you expect to make an offer? When are you hoping the person you hire will start in this role? How many people will be interviewing for this job? Who will make the final hiring decision? What are the next steps in the interview process? Who should I stay in touch with as things move forward? How should I follow up? When will I hear back from you? You should ask four to six questions in your job interview.

Ask a mix of questions about the position, the team and company, and the interview process and next steps. Almost any interviewer can answer basic questions about role, team, career path, and hiring process, and if not, the interviewer can go ask and find out for you. Deciding on Specific Questions to Ask from the List Above Now, the list of questions to ask the interviewer above is massive, so here are a couple of ideas to help you choose which of these questions to ask in an interview.

First, ask questions about topics that genuinely interest you. Next, pick questions that you feel comfortable with and that fit your personality. Also, not all of the above questions will make sense for your situation, your industry, etc. So invest time in picking your go-to questions, writing them down, and practicing them.