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Continuing Education and Certifications in Political Science Unlike certain other fields, there's no real licensure you need in order to write or practice Political Science in some other sense -- typically, you benefit best from getting some experience. Typically, Political Science advanced degrees come in two programs -- a freestanding program leading to the Master of Arts degree in political science and a program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in political science, which is usually finished in around seven years.

Pursuing an advanced degree Having a Bachelor's degree in Political Science is obviously a great first step regardless of what sort of career you might be considering, but once you've finished that, another question remains: should you go onto further studies?

We did a little research, and while the Master's might be useful to you, you'll want to think long and hard about whether a Ph. D is for you and your chosen career. Here are common advanced degrees that people with Political Science degree normally consider: Master's in Political Science If you're looking to increase your knowledge in a particular aspect of Political Science or improve your research skills always a useful thing to have , then a Master's might be supremely useful to you.

If you're looking more to increase your earning potential, a Master's can help do that for you too, but you want to be aware of the hefty price tag that might be associated with it. Figure out how long you'll be willing to pay off the debt and compared to how much earnings you can anticipate from it first.

If you can get the Master's without breaking the bank, then go for it, but otherwise it might be worth it to focus on getting more job experience and building your portfolio. PhD in Political Science The PhD provides advanced study and research opportunities primarily for students who intend to pursue careers in research, scholarship, teaching , and public life.

Expect a lot of reading, a lot of writing, and not much recognition for how long and difficult your eventual book is to read. But if you're interested nonetheless, here are some tips to get started on as soon as possible -- as in, during undergrad. Read actual political science Learn a language and study overseas Write a senior thesis Get comfortable with math for the research Apply for and win something like an NSF Depending on when you get started on these, you may or may not have time to finish them all.

That's fine, what's important is that you get started and develop an understanding what the academic field will be like. External Resources If you're still not sure what to do with your degree here are some external sites, to help you with your decision: American Political Science Association Go to APSA conferences when you're on the job market and when you're senior enough to be able to just hang out with your friends. Otherwise, it's too big and there's not enough good work there.

House of Representatives. Political science majors refine their analytical skills while exploring policy initiatives and considering the ramifications of government actions. Critical thinking is vital to evaluating the platforms of political parties and the impact of leadership changes. During their studies, political science majors learn how power is acquired, how campaigns are waged, and how public opinion can be influenced. They study different models for leadership and gain a historical perspective regarding the relative effectiveness of different approaches.

Your final decision about your major and career should take into account your unique values, skills, personality traits, and interests. Policy Analyst Since political science majors study the process for generating public policy, the role of policy analyst is a natural application of their work as a student.

Policy analysts rely on strong critical thinking, writing, and research skills as they formulate statements about the nature and impact of proposals for public policy. Like political science majors, policy analysts must devise a sound thesis and build a persuasive argument for or against the adoption of a particular policy initiative.

In addition, analysts use their understanding of the political and legislative process to enlist the support of individuals who can help advance initiatives. Legislative Assistant Senators, assembly members, representatives, and other elected officials at all levels of government hire assistants to help them to carry out their duties.

Legislative assistants tap into the writing and verbal skills developed by the political science major to coordinate communication with constituents and inform them about developments within their district. They assess the interest of constituents regarding current political issues and present the views of their elected officials within a positive framework. Legislative assistants respond to constituent inquiries and help to resolve problems of citizens within their jurisdiction.

Legislative assistants research policy issues, track legislation, and survey the positions of other legislators on pending legislation. They prepare briefings for their legislator and other office staff. Public Relations Specialist Public relations representatives influence public opinion about their clients based largely on placing stories with the media. Political science majors develop the writing skills needed to draft compelling press releases and the persuasive skills to assert the benefits of covering a particular story.

They also learn how opinions are formed, and the role of the media, as they research current events during their studies. Public relations specialists often organize and publicize press conferences and other events in order to attract media attention and get the word out about their client.

Political science majors gain some insight into this process as they study the mechanics of organizing campaign events and public appearances by government representatives. Social Media Manager Public opinion is increasingly shaped by social media. Political candidates, officials, parties, and interest groups need social media managers to monitor the views of constituents about their administration and current issues.

Social media managers must understand various social media platforms and orchestrate campaigns to shape the perceptions of their users. Political science majors know how opinions are formed and influenced by various media and can be instrumental in formulating and implementing these plans. Marketing Research Analyst Market researchers analyze how consumers will respond to products or services, much like political science students assess the reactions of potential voters to candidates.

Political science majors study the role of survey research and opinion polling in campaigning. The work of market researchers often involves surveying consumer reactions to potential or current products and services. Market research analysts can tap into the knowledge of research standards that the political science major possesses when designing scientifically viable studies. They must present their findings to clients and co-workers and back up their recommendations with data.

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[Political Science]Jobs and career Options --রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞানের ভবিষ্যত-Dream Drawer

10 Job Options for Political Science Majors. Policy Analyst. Legislative Assistant.