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The population of San Diego, CA was estimated to be 1, in Minimum Wage The State of California enforces different minimum wages in some districts. The city of San Diego may be in a district with a different minimum wage than this. Additionally, the city served as a home for several military bases and naval air stations, which increased in size after World War II.

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Integrates and schematically depicts communication architectures, topologies, hardware, software, transmission and signaling links and protocols into complete network configurations. Evaluates new products, performs network problem resolution. Assists in the development and documentation of technical standards. Develops and implements approved methods of procedure.

Provides escalated tier support across organizations and to third party vendors. Works on one or more projects as a project team member, occasionally as a project team lead. Coaches less experienced staff. Varying in geographical and industrial jurisdiction, the joint councils became important incubators for up-and-coming leadership and negotiating master agreements which covered all employers in a given industry. Tobin also actively discouraged strikes in order to bring discipline to the union and encourage employers to sign contracts, and founded and edited the union magazine, the International Teamster.

While the Teamsters lost this battle in , when the AFL awarded jurisdiction to the Brewers, they won when the issue came before the AFL Executive Board again in , when the Brewers were still recovering from their near-elimination during Prohibition. Teamster membership stood at just 82, in Tobin took advantage of the wave of pro-union sentiment engendered by the passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act , and by union membership had increased nearly 65 percent to , By , Tobin had a dues-paying membership of ,—making the Teamsters the fastest-growing labor union in the United States.

A group of radicals in Local in Minneapolis —led by Farrell Dobbs , Carl Skoglund , and the Dunne brothers Ray, Miles and Grant , all members of the Trotskyist Communist League of America —began successfully organizing coal truck drivers in the winter of Member outrage was extensive, and in August he was forced to recharter the local as Harry Bridges , radical leader of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union ILWU , was leading "the march inland"—an attempt to organize warehouse workers away from shipping ports.

By , the union was considered the most corrupt in the United States, and the most abusive towards its own members. Tobin vigorously defended the union against such accusations, but also instituted many constitutional and organizational changes and practices which made it easier for union officials to engage in criminal offenses.

Union membership had risen more than percent between and to , Tobin to be the official White House liaison to organized labor, and later that year chair of the Labor Division of the Democratic National Committee. Because of Roosevelt's strong relationship with Tobin and the union's large membership, the President delivered his speech before the Teamster convention.

Dissident members of the union accused the leadership of suppressing democracy in the union, a charge President Tobin angrily denied. The Teamsters agreed to cease raiding other unions and not strike for the duration of the national emergency.

President Tobin even ordered Teamsters members to cross picket lines put up by other unions. Nevertheless, the national leadership sanctioned strikes by Midwestern truckers in August , Southern truckers in October , and brewery workers and milk delivery drivers in January In the two years following the cessation of hostilities, the Teamsters struck only three times: 10, truckers in New Jersey struck for two weeks; workers at UPS struck nationwide for three weeks; and workers at Railway Express Agency struck for almost a month.

President Tobin, however, was one of the first labor leaders to sign the non-communist affidavit required by the law. By , the union's membership had topped one million. Beck then won the election to fill the position. He announced a raid on the International Association of Machinists local at Boeing. Although President Dan Tobin publicly repudiated Beck's actions, Beck had more than enough support from Hoffa and other members of the executive board to force Tobin to back down.

Tobin needed Beck's support to prevent Hickey's election, and Beck refused to give it. The Teamsters had suffered from extensive corruption since its formation in House of Representatives held hearings on the issue. Believing he needed additional votes to unseat Beck, in October mobster Johnny Dio met with Hoffa in New York City and the two men conspired to create as many as 15 paper locals [a] to boost Hoffa's delegate totals.

Senate Committee on Government Operations. Senate to investigate the union, [74] [75] which caused the Senate to establish the Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management —a new committee with broad subpoena and investigative powers. McClellan , chair of the select committee, hired Robert F. Kennedy as the subcommittee's chief counsel and investigator.

Dave Beck fled the country for a month to avoid its subpoenas before returning. The scandals uncovered by the McClellan committee, which affected not only the Teamsters but several other unions, led directly to the passage of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act in Supreme Court reaffirmed the right of union officials to not divulge the location of union records in Curcio v.

United States, U. Support for Beck among the membership evaporated. AFL—CIO President George Meany, worried that corruption scandals plaguing a number of unions at the time might lead to harsh regulation of unions or even the withdrawal of federal labor law protection, began an anti-corruption drive in April The Teamsters had long desired to bring all shipping and transportation workers into the union, so that no product could be moved anywhere in the U. Hoffa used the grievance procedures of the agreement, which authorized selective strikes against particular employers, to police the agreement or, if Hoffa thought that it served the union's interest, to drive marginal employers out of the industry.

The union won substantial gains for its members, fostering a nostalgic image of the Hoffa era as the golden age for Teamster drivers. Hoffa also succeeded where Tobin had failed, concentrating power at the international level, dominating the conferences which Beck and Dobbs had helped build. In addition, Hoffa was instrumental in using the assets of the Teamsters' pension plans , particularly the Central States plan, to support Mafia projects, such as the development of Las Vegas in the s and s.

The pension fund also made a number of loans to associates and relatives of high-ranking Teamster officials. A close associate of Hoffa during this period was Allen Dorfman. Dorfman owned an insurance agency that provided insurance claims processing to the Teamsters' union, and which was the subject of an investigation by the McClellan Committee.

Dorfman also had increasing influence over loans made by the Teamsters' pension fund, and after Hoffa went to prison in , Dorfman had primary control over the fund. Dorfman was murdered in January , shortly after his conviction, along with Teamsters' president Roy Lee Williams , in a bribery case.

Kennedy's Department of Justice tried to convict Hoffa for a variety of offenses over the s, finally succeeding on a witness tampering charge in , with key testimony provided by Teamsters business agent Edward Grady Partin of Baton Rouge , Louisiana. After exhausting his appeals, Hoffa entered prison in Hoffa installed Frank Fitzsimmons , an associate from his days in Local in Detroit, to hold his place for him while he served time. Fitzsimmons, however, began to enjoy the exercise of power in Hoffa's absence; in addition, the organized crime figures around him found that he was more pliant than Hoffa had been.

While President Nixon 's pardon barred Hoffa from resuming any role in the Teamsters until , Hoffa challenged the legality of that condition and planned to run again for presidency of the union, but disappeared in under mysterious circumstances. He is presumed dead, although his body has never been found. Decentralization, deregulation and drift[ edit ] Under General President Frank Fitzsimmons, authority within the Teamsters was decentralized back into the hands of regional, joint council, and local leaders.

While this helped solidify Fitzsimmons' own political position in the union, it also made it more difficult for the union to act decisively on policy issues. Fitzsimmons also moved the union's political stands slowly to the left , supporting universal health care, an immediate end to the Vietnam War , urban renewal, and community organizing. The Alliance dissolved in after Reuther's death. While the Teamsters won rich national master contracts in trucking and package delivery in the s, it did little to adapt to the changes occurring in the transportation industry.

The Teamsters and UFW had both claimed jurisdiction over farm workers for many years, and in had signed an agreement settling their differences. But decentralization of power within the union led several Teamster leaders in California to repudiate this agreement without Fitzsimmons' permission and organize large numbers of field workers. His hand forced, Fitzsimmons ordered Teamsters contract negotiators to re-open the handful of contracts it had signed with California growers.

The union tried to fight deregulation by attempting to bribe Senator Howard Cannon of Nevada. That attempt not only failed, but resulted in the conviction in of Roy Williams , the General President who had succeeded Fitzsimmons in Williams subsequently resigned in as a condition of remaining free on bail while his appeal proceeded. Deregulation had catastrophic effects on the Teamsters, opening up the industry to competition from non-union companies who sought to cut costs by avoiding unionization and curbing wages.

Nearly unionized carriers went out of business in the first few years of deregulation, leaving thirty percent of Teamsters in the freight division unemployed. The remaining unionized carriers demanded concessions in wages, work rules, and hours.

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Designs and establishes protocol compatibility standards, develops and implements network enhancements and makes recommendations for improvement. Responsible for implementation of network architecture and designs. Participates in network planning, network architecture design and engineering. Integrates and schematically depicts communication architectures, topologies, hardware, software, transmission and signaling links and protocols into complete network configurations.

Evaluates new products, performs network problem resolution. Assists in the development and documentation of technical standards. Develops and implements approved methods of procedure. While the Teamsters won rich national master contracts in trucking and package delivery in the s, it did little to adapt to the changes occurring in the transportation industry. The Teamsters and UFW had both claimed jurisdiction over farm workers for many years, and in had signed an agreement settling their differences.

But decentralization of power within the union led several Teamster leaders in California to repudiate this agreement without Fitzsimmons' permission and organize large numbers of field workers. His hand forced, Fitzsimmons ordered Teamsters contract negotiators to re-open the handful of contracts it had signed with California growers.

The union tried to fight deregulation by attempting to bribe Senator Howard Cannon of Nevada. That attempt not only failed, but resulted in the conviction in of Roy Williams , the General President who had succeeded Fitzsimmons in Williams subsequently resigned in as a condition of remaining free on bail while his appeal proceeded. Deregulation had catastrophic effects on the Teamsters, opening up the industry to competition from non-union companies who sought to cut costs by avoiding unionization and curbing wages.

Nearly unionized carriers went out of business in the first few years of deregulation, leaving thirty percent of Teamsters in the freight division unemployed. The remaining unionized carriers demanded concessions in wages, work rules, and hours. Williams' successor, Jackie Presser , was prepared to grant most of these concessions in the form of a special freight "relief rider" that would cut wages by up to 35 percent and establish two-tier wages.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union , which had grown out of efforts to reject the freight agreement, launched a successful national campaign to defeat the relief rider, which was defeated by a vote of 94, to 13, The pressure on the freight industry and the national freight agreement continued, however. By the end of the s the National Master Freight Agreement, which had covered , drivers in the late s, dropped to fewer than ,, with numerous local riders weakening it further in some areas.

Internal and external challenges[ edit ] The decline in working conditions in the freight industry, combined with long-simmering unhappiness among members employed by the United Parcel Service , led to the development of two nationwide dissident groups within the union in the s: Teamsters for a Democratic Union TDU , an assemblage of a number of local efforts, and the Professional Drivers Council, better known as PROD, which began as a public interest group affiliated with Ralph Nader that was concerned with worker safety.

The two groups merged in TDU was able to win some local offices within the union, although the International Union often attempted to make those victories meaningless by marginalizing the officer or the union. TDU acquired greater prominence, however, with the election reforms forced on the union by the consent decree it had entered into in on the eve of trial on a suit brought by the federal government under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act RICO.

The decree required the direct election of International officers by the membership, as TDU had been demanding for years leading up to the decree, to replace the indirect election by delegates at the union's convention. While the delegates at the union's convention balked at amending the Constitution, they ultimately capitulated under pressure from the government. That consent decree might not have been possible, however, if it had not been for the testimony of Roy Williams , who described, in an affidavit he gave the government in return for a delay of his imprisonment, his own dealings with organized crime as the Secretary-Treasurer of a local union in Kansas City and as an officer of the International Union.

The decree also gave the government the power to install an Independent Review Board with the power to expel any member of the union for "conduct unbecoming to the union", which the IRB proceeded to exercise far more aggressively than the Teamsters officials who had agreed to the decree had expected.

While the government was pursuing a civil case against the union as an entity, it was also indicting Presser, who had succeeded Williams as General President, for embezzling from two different local unions in Cleveland prior to his election as president.

Presser resigned in , but died before his trial was scheduled to begin. He was succeeded by William J. McCarthy , who came from the same local that Dan Tobin had led eighty years earlier. The Independent Review Board IRB is a three-member panel established to investigate and take appropriate action with respect to "any allegations of corruption," "any allegations of domination or control or influence" of any part of the Union by organized crime, and any failure to cooperate fully with the IRB.

Durham and Walter Shea. Carey had also swung the Teamsters support behind the Democratic Party , a change from past administrations that had supported the Republican Party. The new administration set out to break from the past in other ways, making energetic efforts to head off a vote to oust the union as representative of Northwest Airlines ' flight attendants, negotiating a breakthrough agreement covering carhaulers, and supporting local strikes, such as the one against Diamond Walnut , to restore the union's strength.

The Carey administration did not, on the other hand, have much power in the lower reaches of the Teamster hierarchy: all of the large regional conferences were run by "old guard" officers, as were most of the locals. Disagreements between those two camps led the old guard to campaign against the Carey administration's proposed dues increase.

The Carey administration retaliated by dissolving the regional conferences, calling them expensive redundancies and fiefdoms for old guard union officers, and rearranging the boundaries of some joint councils that had fought against the dues increase. The opposition responded by uniting around a single candidate, James P. Hoffa , son of James R. Hoffa, to run against Carey in Hoffa ran a strong campaign, trading on the mystique still attached to his late father's name and promising to restore those days of glory.

Carey appeared, however, to have won a close election. Shortly afterward in , the union initiated a large and successful strike against UPS. The parcel services department by that time had become the largest division in the union. Carey was removed from the union's leadership by the IRB shortly thereafter, when evidence that individuals in his office had arranged for transfer of several thousand dollars to an outside contractor, which then arranged for another entity to make an equivalent contribution to the Carey campaign.

Carey was indicted for lying to investigators about his campaign funding but was acquitted of all charges in a trial. In the election to succeed Carey, James P. Hoffa was elected handily. He became president of the Teamsters on March 19, , and took the union in a more moderate direction, tempering the union's support for Democrats and attempting to come to terms with powerful Republicans in Congress.

The union has merged in recent years with a number of unions from other industries, including the Graphic Communications International Union , a printing industry union, and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers , both from the railway industry. Internal Teamsters politics[ edit ] Prior to the s, no long-lived caucuses existed within the Teamsters union.

Challengers for office ran on their personal appeal and individual power base, rather than on caucus or "party" platforms and such challenges were infrequent. The Teamster leadership was well-established and somewhat self-perpetuating, and challengers only rarely achieved victories at the local and even less frequently regional levels.

A national wildcat strike challenged President Frank Fitzsimmons' control over the union, but failed. After the strike, a reform movement known as "Teamsters United Rank and File" TURF formed to continue to challenge against the union's national leadership. But TURF collapsed after a few years due to internal dissent.

Both groups pushed the national leadership for a vastly improved contracts at UPS and the freight lines. The new caucus' goal was to make internal Teamster governance more transparent and democratic, which included giving rank-and-file more of a say in the terms and approval of contracts. These criticisms led to another success for TDU, with many TDU proposals finding their way into the court decree in which the federal government took over of the Teamsters.

Carey, in turn, adopted many of TDU's reform proposals as part of his platform. Carey ran with nearly a full slate which included a candidate for secretary-treasurer and 13 vice presidencies. Durham, leader of the Teamsters in North Carolina, was considered the "establishment" candidate and front-runner in the campaign he had the backing of a majority of the union's executive board.

A second candidate in the race, Walter Shea, was a veteran union staffer from Washington, D. Carey won with Turnout was low, only about 32 percent of the union's total membership. Hoffa son of the former union president. Hoffa again easily won re-election, earning 60 percent of the vote to Gregare's 23 percent and Pope's 17 percent. The Hoffa Unity Slate also won all five regional vice presidencies, although the slate's support declined across the board. The election was also the first time Hoffa-allied candidates lost regional vice presidencies to the Teamsters United reform slate.

The Teamsters Union is one of the largest labor unions in the world, as well as the 11th largest campaign contributor in the United States. Though the union opposed former President George W. Bush 's agenda to open US highways to Mexican truckers, it did previously support Bush's platform for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

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