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It has an higher than average unemployment rate of 5. For women from an ethnic minority background the employment rate is much lower than for white women. There are similar disparities for those with disabilities and low or no qualifications. Nearly a third of children in the region grow up in poverty and by Year 6 almost a quarter are obese. Healthy life expectancy is lower than the UK average.

The West Midlands also performs below the national average on educational attainment. Spatial analysis highlights a general pattern of poorer outcomes in the west of the Combined Authority area and a more positive picture in the east. Matching the national average will require a further , people to be qualified to this level. Significant elements of these skills and employment rates relate to connectivity, with actions described in the relevant section below. But the challenges go much wider, requiring targeted labour market interventions and a focus on the wider determinants of inequality and exclusion.

The devolution of the Adult Education Budget represents an opportunity for the West Midlands to provide more targeted support for local people and to ensure adult education provision best meets local need. The locally owned Regional Skills Plan sets out how this will be done. This work will be informed by the newly established Skills Advisory Panel.

The 2 recently announced Institutes of Technology will also play a pivotal role in creating a world class technical education offer in the region. Apprentices learn the latest technology in areas such as intelligent automation, additive layer manufacture, robotics, metrology, mechatronics, computer aided design and computer-aided machining. Apprentices will be able to test and develop their skills in sponsored placements, including through international assignments with Manufacturing Technology Centre members and supporters.

A connection with the local community is the only criterion for the employment support provided by the Programme. He was very reserved and reluctant to communicate without support from his father. After building both rapport and trust, it was identified that K has autism and finds it difficult to talk to new people. Through developing an action plan, we were able to support K towards making the next step into employment. Partners across the region are committed to acting to improve accessibility through reforming public services, transport and digital infrastructure and flexible approaches to working, and through raising awareness of the jobs and opportunities that are available, particularly for communities that have historically been disconnected from growth.

Working with providers, the West Midlands will use existing devolved powers and funding to deliver a high quality and responsive regional skills and education system, to provide people with the skills they and businesses need for the future. Major stakeholders from across the public and private sector have come together to form the West Midlands Skills Advisory Board to oversee the development and delivery of our skills plans.

This board will have a key role in bringing government and West Midlands partners together to deliver the people-focused aims and actions of the Local Industrial Strategy. This will ensure integration with the actions undertaken across the other foundations of productivity detailed in this Local Industrial Strategy.

Actions most directly targeting inclusive growth and productivity are summarised. The coaches will support and mentor unemployed and disadvantaged young people as they work towards gaining and progressing in an apprenticeship or other job; and delivering the Apprenticeship Promise, a commitment to working with local employers to make sure an apprenticeship or training place is available to every young person in the region that wants one. It will boost the uptake of vocational training through apprenticeships, prepare to deliver T-level routes and better match skills provision to employer needs.

This will help support underrepresented groups including women, for example through the evaluation of the gender pay and employment gap, and support retraining for those who are at risk of losing their job to automation or due to their age or a health condition; and through the devolved Adult Education Budget, increase the volume of qualifications delivered at all levels and develop flexible models of learning to support working adults to upskill and progress in their careers.

To reinforce these local commitments, government will; support the development of 2 Institutes of Technology IoT to deliver higher technical education in the West Midlands. Government will work with the Dudley IoT to redevelop land to provide teaching facilities for higher level skills programmes. Both IoTs form a key part of the joint ambition to create a world class technical education system in the West Midlands.

These will support them to identify the best apprenticeship programme and training provider to meet their business needs establish a regional pre-apprenticeship and traineeship offer, including through access to apprenticeships pilots in growth sectors and promote apprenticeships in underrepresented sectors to young girls and women Deliver inclusive growth by giving more people the skills to get and sustain good jobs and careers One of the most direct ways of improving inclusivity is through good quality employment with the opportunity to progress.

Employment rates and skills levels are lower than elsewhere in the West Midlands, but numbers of jobs, employment and skills have all increased faster than the national average in recent years, as have the number of knowledge based, higher skills roles. With a significant manufacturing and supply chain base productivity is higher than elsewhere in the Black Country, but has grown less than the UK average in recent years. Ensuring that businesses adapt and that residents have access to the opportunities and skills needed to help them succeed is a major priority.

Significant investments include the metro extension and Commonwealth Games Aquatics centre, with plans to maximise access to new jobs and commercial opportunities, involving local communities. The local authority have been working with residents and businesses to agree the Sandwell vision and an inclusive growth plan to develop new approaches to delivery and investment, to maximise the contribution that Sandwell makes to the West Midlands and the benefits this has to residents.

Collaboration between partners to achieve even more collectively The West Midlands works with a broad range of partners to support the skills agenda and its Skills Advisory Board brings together the key influencers from across the West Midlands skill system. Close working relationships are in place with the further and higher education sectors as well as LEPs and local authorities. The aim is to improve the overall impact of investment, and accessibility to skills, jobs and business opportunities for all local people.

The West Midlands and local partners will: work closely with community-based organisations to develop local access and progression pathways develop local learning routeways from compulsory education, through further, higher, and career development learning Skills Factory case study The Black Country Skills Factory is an employer-led education and training collaboration which aims to address the shortfall of skills in the Black Country and increase the pipeline of suitably skilled staff to respond to growth.

It has been a highly successful project in addressing skills shortages in the advanced manufacturing sector. The aspiration is to fundamentally shift the relationship between employers and education providers to develop a networked approach to skills delivery: one that is needs-driven by industry demand for skills while also meeting general best practice standards. Training and education courses are co-developed and co-delivered using shared facilities and industry trainers. This results in the provision of bite-sized skills training courses which fit the current and future needs of highly technical industries.

Construction Gateway The Construction Gateway has been established by the Combined Authority in response to major projected growth in the demand for construction jobs driven by HS2, local transport investment and the Housing Package including the growing brownfield construction cluster in Wolverhampton. This offers new opportunities for offsite manufacturing and are all driving demand for skills, particularly in the Black Country.

It is crucial the West Midlands ensures that local people can access these opportunities so that employers looking for skills, or people looking for a job, an apprenticeship or a move up, know where to go for help and support. The establishment of an Institute of Technology, led by Dudley college, will provide vital investment to support this challenge. A partnership of the Further Education Skills and Productivity Group network of colleges, training providers, Job Centres and local authorities will work closely with developers to provide a supply of recruits across the whole range of skills areas and levels.

This will include accreditation through the Construction Skills Certification scheme. Infrastructure Transport, mobility and digital The West Midlands is a well-connected region. Recent growth has put the existing transport system under pressure, leading to poor air quality and costly congestion. There is an overreliance on the road network and private transport. Many of the more rural areas continue to face transport challenges. There are also too many communities that are close to major growth centres and corridors are poorly connected to opportunities for skills and jobs.

They face inequality of access to natural space, which has a significant detrimental impact on the most disadvantaged communities. Actions planned The West Midlands will build a fully integrated and seamless multimodal transport system across the whole region. Local plans are also advanced towards extending further from East Birmingham to North Solihull and the High Speed 2 Interchange station; creating a new integrated control centre to deliver the smartest streets and best managed network and reduce congestion.

This includes the wider locally led infrastructure projects, providing dedicated support to businesses; continuing to support the develop of the locally led High Speed 2 Growth Strategy. This includes developing the Curzon Masterplan, the Interchange station in Solihull and other transport schemes. This will connect High Speed 2 stations to local transport networks and communities, including rural areas; setting out plans to develop inclusive growth corridors.

This will ensure infrastructure is integrated with other programmes locally to maximise impact on employment and skills, high quality housing and development viability and improved public green space and air quality; driving procurement excellence, social and environmental value and innovative behaviour through contracts, particularly focusing on construction and digital infrastructure; and continuing to ensure more consistent superfast coverage to address the significant variations in superfast broadband, full fibre and gigabit capable broadband coverage.

Housing The rate of housing completions in the West Midlands is rising, but housing costs are increasing faster than local salaries. Most areas in the West Midlands are in the top fifth of house price increases nationally. This has been exacerbated by a lack of supply, quality, choice and mix of affordable and social housing. With the population set to increase by over , by , the West Midlands is committed to ensuring new and retrofitted housing meets the full spectrum of housing needs.

The scale of construction activity in the West Midlands in the decades ahead provides a once in a generation opportunity to work with the sector to transform productivity, methods, and create new long-term skilled careers. Local actions The West Midlands will: increase the rate of housing delivery in line with the Housing Package agreed with government; invest in land remediation, bringing sites forward and developing the skills required through the National Brownfield Institute in Wolverhampton; deliver quality through a West Midlands sustainable design charter to make good design the norm for new buildings and make high quality design a criteria in commissioning for all devolved housing and land funds; remain committed to encouraging diversity and new entrants to the market to support this increased delivery, such as through modular build, and supporting the provision of new skills as the industry changes; and work with the construction sector to accelerate the use of data and innovative processes and products in the construction industry.

This means enhancing process innovation via modern methods of construction, including through the Manufacturing Technology Centre core innovation hub and building information modelling. It also means incorporating innovation in houses as they are being built, working with housing associations and other providers. Given the housing and infrastructure investments coming into the region, the West Midlands has a strong opportunity to boost quality, sustainability and productivity through the use of modern methods of construction.

This is most strongly the case in relation to those large scale, strategic sites that can have the greatest net additional impact on growth and jobs. Similarly, there is a challenge for incubation space as well as grow on space to support agile and mobile economic activity. These issues are most severe in Coventry and Warwickshire, but across the region there is a significant gap in good quality employment land.

Integrated Transport Network — linking high employment density and housing sites View a larger version of the map National Brownfield Institute and Springfield Campus case study A crucial asset for tackling land availability shortages for housing and employment land is the National Brownfield Institute at the University of Wolverhampton.

The Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund LPIF aims to provide a solution to the shortfall through investment in projects which will support the re-use of brownfield land and buildings and the delivery of supporting infrastructure. This includes in the redevelopment of major employment land sites, such as Phoenix 10 in Walsall and the proposed extension of i54 in Wolverhampton. This will be based on up-to-date locally led evidence of requirements in different parts of the region.

Energy Work on a regional energy strategy has been underway for several years, with the Regional Energy Policy Commission reporting in There are significant challenges in the region around the energy infrastructure that will underpin housing, industry and electric vehicles, as well as the issues of clean air and fuel poverty.

The scale of demand for energy services provides a strong pull factor for global investment and commercialising new energy technologies. The West Midlands is committed to demand side management around vehicles and buildings. Local authorities are also exploring the implementation of clean air zones, where relevant, to tackle air pollution. Solihull is an area of strong growth and high demand that is a net contributor to the Exchequer.

The international transport connectivity and existing growth drivers will be bolstered by the ariival of High Speed 2 at Arden Cross, the redvelopment of Birmingham International Station and major housing and commercial growth over the next few years.

Investment in the Hub across a range of programmes interact and is coming together to deliver new energy provision, multimodal transport innovation and large-scale business growth opportunities - including in EV manufacture and new, digital, business service firms. New communities are planned based on a modern interpretation of garden town principles. Business environment The West Midlands has a diverse, dynamic and growing business base.

Business growth and productivity Business dynamism and productivity performance is mixed in the West Midlands. GVA per employee varies significantly across sectors, with average GVA per employee below the national average. Therefore, a targeted, firm-level approach will be key to addressing the overall productivity challenge.

The West Midlands does not yet have enough high-growth firms. There is a correlation between lower business growth rates and lower productivity at LEP level, but there is also strong evidence that many more factors than revenue and jobs are important in improving firm productivity.

Between and , the total number of businesses in the West Midlands increased by 9. Despite this recent performance, the West Midlands needs to continue to increase its business stock. This will be crucial in order to reach the national average and correct the legacy of historically lower periods of business creation following industrial restructuring.

There is a key role for social enterprise in supporting the delivery of a more productive and inclusive economy and local measures aim to improve overall firm-level productivity. Exports and investment Businesses in the West Midlands are linked to markets across the world. Local supply chain firms are competitive in a range of global markets for aerospace, materials, rail, automotive, healthcare devices and marine. Between and , Foreign Direct Investment FDI projects have created nearly 46, new jobs, and the number of projects per annum has more than doubled.

FDI success has a significant impact on supply chain firms and related jobs, many of which are concentrated in the Black Country. Our approach The West Midlands will take a targeted approach that focuses on working with businesses through sector action plans, and identifying the needs of different kinds of businesses and the tailored offer they need to grow.

This differs across different parts of the region and will require coordinated action by Growth Hubs, business networks, existing business advisers and business schools. The Local Industrial Strategy prioritises 3 areas of business growth. The first priority is the provision of dedicated scale-up support for high potential companies across all sectors and sizes that will address barriers to growth and help position them to provide the good jobs of the future.

This will be focused on segmented business and supply support aimed at businesses in high-growth industries. Delivery and commissioning will reflect the most effective pathway for different clusters and sectors. This will include support for high potential social economy organisations, which are a major part of ensuring balanced and more sustainable growth.

Business dynamism: Share of enterprise births View a larger version of the map Access to finance will be a key pillar of support, working in close collaboration with the British Business Bank to maximise the benefit of its programmes in the West Midlands. Firms continue to report issues with finance from both the supply and demand side.

This is both about maximising uptake of existing loan and equity finance and attracting more private investment. It also means working with businesses to ensure that they are investment ready through business planning, support and advice from entrepreneurs. The second priority will be boosting business productivity among SMEs.

In line with the principles of the forthcoming Business Productivity Review, the West Midlands will take a business-led approach that focuses on peer-to-peer networks, technology adoption, and industry benchmarking. This will include working with business-led initiatives to boost productivity such as Be the Business.

The final priority will be to help West Midlands businesses to internationalise through opportunities in trade, investment and the visitor economy. This will seek to identify those smaller businesses that will benefit most from exporting, work collaboratively with partners across the Midlands Engine and capitalise on the business opportunities created by the Commonwealth Games. Local actions To support high-growth businesses and clusters, the West Midlands will: develop further dedicated, clusterfocused business support aimed at the highest growth potential industries, including improving competitiveness of our globally significant concentration of leading advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses through supply chain SME support led by businesses for businesses explore options to launch a fund for new industry co-investment to provide wraparound support for businesses looking to grow into new sectors, supply chains and markets need to invest in new technologies and capital to grow into those markets use business support channels to help businesses understand the importance of flexible working patterns, employee engagement and wellbeing, support for carers and childcare in boosting in-work progression and supporting more women into employment, including in more leadership roles establishing a locally led virtual Productivity Factory targeted at SMEs.

This will facilitate expert industry benchmarking, coaching, and management masterclasses for firms within the West Midlands, and will draw on learnings from the forthcoming Business Productivity Review To help businesses internationalise the West Midlands will: increase internationalisation by continuing to leverage national resources and the Midlands Engine brand.

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