how did the loss of jobs at kennedy space center affect the local economy
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The population of San Diego, CA was estimated to be 1, in Minimum Wage The State of California enforces different minimum wages in some districts. The city of San Diego may be in a district with a different minimum wage than this. Additionally, the city served as a home for several military bases and naval air stations, which increased in size after World War II.

How did the loss of jobs at kennedy space center affect the local economy local babysitting jobs

How did the loss of jobs at kennedy space center affect the local economy

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When Atlantis returns to Earth 12 days later, another 2, Kennedy Space Centre employees will be laid off, bringing job losses from the shuttle programme close to 10, For Grillo and many other business owners in the corner of Florida known as the Space Coast, it spells economic disaster as many disappear for pastures new. Meanwhile, deprived of its own manned spaceflight programme for the first time in its year history, the nation's space agency struggles to find an identity.

It's been the hangout for workers, the place they all come. Now there are black clouds over our heads. A skeleton staff of eight keeps the place running, serving Apollo and Endeavour burgers to dwindling numbers of customers, and the landlord believes things could get worse. Everywhere there are images of space shuttles and rockets, on businesses, hotels, homes and schools. Roads are named after veteran astronauts and even the area's telephone dialling code, , reflects the final seconds of the countdown to a launch.

As the programme winds down, there is tremendous pride among locals about the achievements of the world's first reusable spaceship, not least placing the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit and completing the construction of the International Space Station , despite the Challenger and Columbia disasters of and that claimed the lives of 14 astronauts. Alongside that recognition of the region's place in history, however, comes the acceptance that, for the second time in 40 years, the local economy has taken a battering from a presidential decision to end the country's flagship space programme.

Similar numbers lost their jobs at Kennedy, and tens of thousands more nationally, when Richard Nixon pulled the plug on the Apollo moon missions in the s, ironically to free up funding for space shuttle development. But unlike the end of Apollo, Nasa has no follow-on project to soak up some of those made redundant. Barack Obama scrapped the next-generation Constellation programme — his predecessor George W Bush's grand vision to return astronauts to the moon by — on cost grounds. The decision to scrap the shuttle means that after Atlantis is grounded later this month American astronauts will have to hitch a ride to the space station from Kazakhstan aboard Russia's Soyuz spacecraft — at least until private sector companies such as SpaceX are deemed ready to ferry humans into low Earth orbit by about Meanwhile, Nasa has been given a largely vague brief to design, but not yet build, some kind of heavy lift rocket, for a specific purpose and destination that has yet to be determined.

The decision riles many former astronauts, among them Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon and one of several distinguished signatories on a letter to Charles Bolden, Nasa administrator, and President Obama last week lamenting the end of the shuttle era and the fact that there's no replacement in sight.

Community leaders here, therefore, are pinning their hopes for job creation in the short term on the expansion of the private space industry, while lobbying the government to make a strong longer-term commitment to Nasa. Each shuttle launch brings about 15, visitors to the tourist attraction at the space center, which recounts the history of the U. Parks and Resorts, which operates the attraction. The visitor center, which had employees in , laid off more than a dozen workers in May, but that had more to do with a visitor slowdown since Sept.

The visitor center had about 2 million visitors before and has seen its attendance decline by double digits as international visitors have stayed away. Out of state visitors accounts for most of the center's attendance. Other businesses have been affected by the shuttle grounding in different ways.

In most years, space center contractors purchase T-shirts, calculators or tote bags from Brenda Mulberry's business, Space Shirts, to give to team members as a mementos for the projects they're working on. Since the Columbia disaster, Mulberry's business has declined 20 percent on space-related products.

When the books are balanced, though, the company's overall revenue will be up, mainly because of brisk business in February and March when customers snatched up merchandise from the Columbia mission. NASA's economic impact in Brevard is enormous.

University of Central Florida economics professor W. McHone said the shuttle grounding likely won't have a noticeable economic impact because "most of the relationships and contracts with NASA are longer than just one year. Many employees found comfort in touring the shuttle hangar where the shuttle debris was assembled for the investigation into the accident. Greater comfort will come with efforts to return the shuttles to flight, she said.

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