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Questions for interview job

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One of the most important parts of interview preparation is being ready to respond effectively to the questions that employers typically ask. Since these interview questions are so common, hiring managers will expect you to be able to answer them smoothly and without hesitation. You don't need to memorize your answers, but you should think about what you're going to say so you're not put on the spot. Top 10 Interview Questions and Best Answers Review these most frequently asked interview questions and sample answers, and then prepare your responses based on your experience, skills, and interests.

Tell Me About Yourself. This is one of the first questions you are likely to be asked. Be prepared to talk about yourself, and why you're an ideal candidate for the position. The interviewer wants to know why you're an excellent fit for the job. Try to answer questions about yourself without giving too much, or too little, personal information. You can start by sharing some of your personal interests and experiences that don't relate directly to work, such as a favorite hobby or a brief account of where you grew up, your education, and what motivates you.

You can even share some fun facts and showcase your personality to make the interview a little more interesting. Are you the best candidate for the job? The hiring manager wants to know whether you have all the required qualifications. Be prepared to explain why you're the applicant who should be hired. Make your response a confident, concise, focused sales pitch that explains what you have to offer and why you should get the job.

This is a good time to review the qualifications and the requirements in the job listing, so you can craft a response that aligns with what the interviewer is looking for. Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 3. Why are you a good fit for the position? What would you accomplish if you were hired?

This interview question gives you an opportunity to show the interviewer what you know about the job and the company, so take time beforehand to thoroughly research the company , its products, services, culture, and mission. Be specific about what makes you a good fit for this role, and mention aspects of the company and position that appeal to you most. Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 4.

Hiring managers use this question to learn how your previous work experience and educational background fit the job. To prepare to respond, make a list of the most relevant qualifications you have and match them to the requirements listed in the job description.

It's important to explain how your experience will help the employer if you were to be hired. You can use the STAR interview method to prepare examples to share with the interviewer. You don't need to memorize your answers, but do be ready to share what you've accomplished in your previous roles. Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 5.

Be prepared with a response to this question. Even if you quit under challenging circumstances, now isn't the best time to share what could be construed as too much information with the interviewer. The interviewer wants to know why you left your job and why you want to work for their company. When asked about why you are moving on from your current position, stick with the facts, be direct, and focus your answer on the future, especially if your departure wasn't under the best circumstances.

Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 6. What Is Your Greatest Strength? This is one of the questions that employers almost always ask to determine how well you are qualified for the position. When you are asked about your greatest strengths, it's important to discuss the attributes that qualify you for that specific job, and that will set you apart from other candidates.

Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 7. What Is Your Greatest Weakness? Another typical question that interviewers will ask is about your weaknesses. This question is an opportunity to show the hiring manager that you're well qualified for the job. In addition to learning whether you've got the right credentials, the hiring manager wants to know whether you can take on challenges and learn new tasks.

You can share examples of skills you have improved, providing specific instances of how you have recognized a weakness and taken steps to correct it. How do you deal with difficult situations? The employer wants to know how you handle workplace stress. Do you work well in high-stress situations? Do you thrive on pressure, or would you prefer a more low-key job?

What do you do when something goes wrong? The best way to respond to this question is to share an example of how you have successfully handled stress in a previous position. Avoid claiming that you never, or rarely, experience stress. Read More: Examples of the Best Answers 9.

What Are Your Salary Expectations? If you spent time honing your professional skills, you might say the following. If you chose to work on your personal development, you could say something like the following. I decided to spend my time on things I love. So I got back to learning how to play the guitar and journaling.

I feel it brought me closer to myself and has been really great for my mental health and productivity. What are your salary expectations? Check out websites such as Glassdoor, Fishbowl, or Vault. You could also ask people in the field by reaching out to your community on LinkedIn.

Employers will always ask this question because every position is budgeted, and they want to ensure your expectations are consistent with that budget before moving forward. As a general rule of thumb, I advise not bringing up the questions about salary until your interviewer does or bringing it up too early in the process. Are you applying for other jobs? Honesty is the best policy. But they might want to know where in the hiring process you are with other companies. From your resume it seems you took a gap year.

Would you like to tell us why that was? Gap years are more popular in some cultures than others. Provide a short explanation of why you decided to pursue a gap year, then focus on what came out of it that made a positive difference for your future. It may seem a little random, but the time I spent actually helped my develop so many new skills — in the areas of leadership, communication, etc….

During that time, I realized that I wanted to earn a degree in state your degree to align with my passion say what that is. But practicing first really helps.

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To hire means to recruit, or give someone a job. Why are you the best person for the job? Explain how you would be an asset to this company. An asset is something valuable. Why do you think you will be successful in this job? What are your qualifications for this position?

Qualification means the educational and professional background or experience needed in a job. What can you offer our company? What do you know about this industry? What is your personal mission statement? Suited means appropriate, a good match. Describe your work ethic. Your work ethic is your attitude towards work and behavior at work. Describe your management style. What are your short-term goals? Short-term means in the near future. What are your long-term goals?

Long-term means in the distant or far future. Why did you choose this field? Field means an area of work, such as computers, engineering or medicine. Please describe your work experience. Why do you want to work for our company? What do you know about our company?

What is most important to you in a job? Describe your previous jobs. The word previous means what came or happened before. Why did you leave your previous job? What were your responsibilities in your previous position? The word responsibility refers to what you are supposed to do, what you are in charge of. What did you like the most about your last job?

What did you like the least about your last job? What did you learn in your previous job? Do you work well under pressure? The word pressure means stress. Are you punctual? To be punctual means that to arrive on time, to not be late. If you think honesty is one of your best traits, then you should describe a situation in your life preferably work-related in which you were extremely honest with someone even if there is a high likelihood that your honesty would have cost you something of great significance, such as a promotion.

How Did You Handle it? In answering this question, it is important to show that you are fair, level-headed, and civilized. In your reply, you should think of an example where you used your rational judgment and level-headedness to solve a personal conflict at work.

This could be something as simple as a difference of opinion in how to approach a project to something as dramatic as handling workplace gossip. This is a tricky question to answer. Your first instinct is to lie and say that you are not applying for other jobs. However, the best way to approach this question is to simply tell the truth. As a matter of fact, potential employers are expecting you to be looking for multiple job opportunities.

When telling them that you are applying for other jobs, you will need to reassure them that whatever job you get, you will put forth percent to whichever company you end up working for; who you work for does not change your work ethic. And if the company you are interviewing for is your first preference, do tell them that. In answering this, do not list accomplishments from high school; they do not matter. If you recently graduated college then it is okay to talk about the feats you have accomplished in college.

However, if you have been in the work force for several years, then you need to talk about accomplishments that are career-related, and hopefully closely related to the job you are applying for. It is okay to spice up your accomplishments a little but make sure not stretch the truth too much.

Some examples of accomplishments worth noting are: Finishing first in a company-wide sales or work-related competition Implementing a system that saves the company money or brings in extra revenue Honors and awards given from leaders within the company or industry associations Overhauling an archaic strategy or system Remember, accomplishments do not have to be bestowed upon you. Accomplishments are simply milestones and feats that you think are worth noting.

Your answer should be truthful yet memorable. Be honest about your weaknesses but also talk about what steps you have taken to improve upon those weaknesses. For instance, you can say that you are not a particularly adept public speaker. However, as an addendum to that answer, you can also say that you are taking steps towards be more comfortable on stage by going to Toastmasters meetings, volunteering for more speaking engagements, or even taking a public speaking class.

Employers love employees who take the initiate to improve upon themselves. In the example of public speaking above, you can use it for jobs that do not involve speaking in public. However, if the primary purpose of the job you are applying for is to speak in public, then you have pretty much all but disqualified yourself from the job if you answer the interview question with that answer. This interview question will usually go along with the question above.

Answer with a positive trait of yours and give a specific example of how that strength was showcased in a work setting. Like the question above, you should pick a strength that can be adapted to the job. This question gauges your interpersonal skills and how you deal with people in positions of power. In your answer, you should identify that the way you would handle such a situation would be wholly dependent on the personality of your supervisor, as different personalities respond differently to critique.

Illustrate your point with examples. This should be a pretty straight-forward question to answer. If you have relevant experience, detail specifically what kind of experience you have. If you do not have any relevant experience, talk about tertiary job experience you may have that can be exported to this position. If you have no relevant experience at all, talk about how fast you learn and how hard you work. For most of us, this is an easy question to answer. However, if you one of the few that have been fired from a job, especially a full-time job, it is best to be honest about it.

Companies have gotten quite good at digging up your employment history. If you were fired for a legitimate reason, tell them why you were fired and what lessons you have learned from it. If it was a long time ago, talk about your most relevant work experience and how well you have done since being fired. If the firing was unjustified, you may have to be a little careful in how you respond. This is a pretty typical question at the closing of many job interviews. Your potential employer, as well as your present employer, will appreciate the decorum.

The rule of thumb is to avoid talking about money during the interview. But if the interviewer asks, you should be able to come up with a concise number. If the job announcement has a non-negotiable starting salary, go with that. If the announcement has a range, you should pick a salary figure that is commensurate with your experience and skill level. It is important not to undervalue yourself but it is also important to not ask for too much too soon.

Employers want to retain their employees for as long as feasibly possible. As such, you need to assure the prospective company that you are going to stay put if you are hired. One way to answer this question is to say that you are looking for long-term and stable employment in a company that has opportunities for career growth. The answer shows that you are looking to make a long-term contribution to the company but also striving for career growth. Being able to handle pressure is an indispensable tool in life.

Employers want someone that can handle deadlines and difficult demands. So the only way to answer this question is to say that you handle pressure especially well. Of course, you will need to give an example of a situation in which you thrived under pressure.

This question is used to gauge your mid-term goals and see if you are going to stick around if they hire you. The best answer to this question is to say that you hope that you will still be with the company but in a role with more responsibilities. But do not use this as an opportunity to get on the soap box and rant about how much you disliked your last job. Instead, pick one thing that you did not like and extrapolate on it. Do not talk about something that is the core foundation of your job function.

To answer this question, pick something about the way your work or organization was structured. For instance, you can say that your previous employer was extremely inefficient in the way work was assigned. In this question, you are free to express what things you really liked about your previous job.

Do not be afraid to talk passionately about the things you loved. Passion radiates and gives off good vibes. Everyone gets frustrated at work so it is okay for you to say that work has frustrated you at times. But the key is to show your potential employer that you are able to handle your frustration in a constructive manner. A good way to answer this question is to say that you stepped out for a little break to gather your thoughts and talked about what frustrated you once you are no longer emotional and are able to put things in perspective.

When answering this question, do not come off as high maintenance. This question is used to measure multi-tasking abilities. To answer this question, you must show the interviewer that you are able to prioritize what the most important tasks are.

You should also mention that you do not ever compromise quality when handling multiple priorities at once. So when describing your expectations of a supervisor, be sure to create realistic expectations for the supervisor. Some good example answers to this interview question might be: I think a supervisor should have an open line of communication with their employees and be someone that their employees can approach with new ideas and insights about work-related matters. I think a supervisor should be fair in judging the performance of all employees.

In addition, I think the supervisor should have some inherent trust in his or her team and vice versa. Most rank-and-file jobs will not require you to relocate. However, if you go into management, there may be a chance that you will be required to. Whether the job involves a possible chance of relocation or not will usually be on the job announcement itself.

So when asked this question, it is important to not completely rule out relocation. Chances are that you will not relocate if relocation was not made clear on the job announcement. You can use this question to showcase what is important in your life and what you value most.

Your passion does not have to be work-related. This question gives you the perfect opportunity to showcase how much you know about the industry, the company, and its competitors. The ideal answer to this question should incorporate specific reasons why you want to work for this company, such as your excitement for its product lines or their unique positioning in the industry.

This behavioral interview question is designed to find out more about your interpersonal skills. People who are easily offended are harder to work with so companies generally like to pick someone who can respond well to constructive criticism or opposing viewpoints. In your answer, be sure to illustrate that you know that no one is perfect and that you can respond positively to constructive criticism by taking steps to improve upon your weakness if the criticism is warranted.

You will thoroughly impress your interviewer if you are able to nail address this question with specifics. The more specific knowledge you can share about the industry, the more likely you are to get hired. Not many applicants will take the time to learn about the industry at this level. So if you are able to effectively answer this question with specifics, interviewers will be impressed by the amount of effort you have put into your research and preparation.

When talking about your last position, talk about specific duties and responsibilities that you were tasked with. And when replying to this question, be sure to also briefly mention any accolades you may have been bestowed as a result of your work. If you have ever been put in charge of a project, make sure to mention it and talk about how you handle the role.

Even if you trained someone to do their job, that counts as leadership. In this economy, the position you are applying for may very well be something you are in fact overly qualified for. However, that does not mean you have to admit that you are overqualified. Instead, you should state that there is always more to learn, even if your previous work experience and education gives you a huge edge over other candidates. Additionally, you should clearly state that your prior experience and education has no bearing on your quality of work.

If anything, your qualifications will be of benefit to the company as they will not have to spend as much money and time catching you up on things. In addition, you should also reassure them that you are there to stay and work your way up instead of applying for other jobs with other companies that are more in line with your qualifications. When asked this question during an interview, it is important to impress upon those interviewing you that quality of the final product is your top concern, and not the speed in which you are finishing the project.

Your answer should demonstrate that you are careful, thoughtful, and meticulous in your work. However, your answer should also demonstrate that you have no problems meeting production deadlines. Knowing how to work with others is extremely important the workplace. To answer this question, talk about the specific project you tackled, the role you had in the project, and how the project turned out.

Be sure to highlight any accolades or milestones you and the team achieved as a result of working together. As such I would love to stay with your company as long as there is an opportunity for me to grow and make a difference. However, I do not see that happening as I have only applied to companies whose mission statements run parallel with my beliefs.

Working for your company has long been a goal of mine for a long time.

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What are three of your greatest accomplishments? The word accomplishment means an achievement, something you did well. What are your plans for the future? Have you done any volunteer work? What are your hobbies? Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten years from now? Describe a time when you failed.

What do you do for fun? What would you do if you won the lottery? Educational Tell me about your educational background. Which academic course did you find most difficult? Do you have plans for further education? Why did you choose your major? Your major is your main area of specialization in university. Professional Why do you want this job?

Why should we hire you? To hire means to recruit, or give someone a job. Why are you the best person for the job? Explain how you would be an asset to this company. An asset is something valuable. Why do you think you will be successful in this job? What are your qualifications for this position? Qualification means the educational and professional background or experience needed in a job. What can you offer our company? What do you know about this industry? What is your personal mission statement?

Suited means appropriate, a good match. Describe your work ethic. Your work ethic is your attitude towards work and behavior at work. Describe your management style. What are your short-term goals? Short-term means in the near future.

What are your long-term goals? Long-term means in the distant or far future. Why did you choose this field? Why are you looking to leave your current company? Otherwise, the most important thing to do when they ask why you are looking to leave your current job is to stay positive and never badmouth your current employer, boss, or even team members. What are you hoping to gain from a job change?

Is your current boss a jerk? Do: Sound positive and focus on what you want to gain by making a move Show gratitude for your current job e. Keep it work-related, not personal. Do: Explain the situation, the task you needed to accomplish, and what method you chose and why Share the outcome. What was the result? Share what you learned from the experience. Did you take away knowledge that has helped you in your career? Our client was expecting a project to be delivered by PM, but we were far behind schedule.

And then I re-organized my own personal tasks so I could dedicate my entire day to contributing to this project as well. The project was a success and we delivered the work on-time. I went on to lead more projects after that, and used what I learned to be a better project manager. How much money are you looking to earn? You have the least amount of leverage possible at this point in the job interview and job search process.

If you go too low with your desired salary range, it could limit the offer you receive later, even if they would have offered more normally. Whereas, after talking with you in a few interviews, they might have been willing to stretch their budget to hire you! Why should we hire you? How will they benefit if they hire you? What will you improve for them?

What will become easier, more efficient, or more profitable? Otherwise your answer will not impress them. Why do you want to work here? You want to make them feel like you chose them for a reason. The bottom line is: The typical employer looks to hire someone who will want to work for them in particular, not just someone who wants to work any job they can find.

Why did you leave your last job? There are a lot of good answers to this interview question. Here are some guidelines: If you chose to leave on your own terms, stay positive and focus on what you wanted to gain from the decision, rather than bad-mouthing or focusing on negatives you wanted to avoid.

And if you were fired or laid off, be upfront and clear. What is your greatest weakness? I recommend picking something skill-based, not personality-based. Those things will get you rejected in the interview. For example, if the job involves data entry with Excel spreadsheets all day, you do not want to say Excel is your weakness. Or that you struggle to pay attention to details. Do: Name a real weakness Pick something skill-based, not personality-based. For the first few years of my career, I focused entirely on email marketing.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? No company wants this. In five years I see myself taking on more responsibilities, either through management or higher-level individual contributions. You can read career goal examples here. Employers want to see if you can own up to your mistakes, be accountable, and also learn and improve from the experience.

That last piece is key if you want to give a good answer to this question. You really need to be concise and show you can tell a clear story. An employee was acting out and I confronted him in front of everybody. It made the situation worse and caused a lot of distraction for everyone on the floor.

I failed to lead properly in this situation, and spoke to my manager the next day to discuss what I could have done better. We both agreed that I should have handled this privately with the employee by asking them to step inside my office. If I had done this instead of reacting the way I did, the situation would have turned out much better.

From that point onward, I am always conscious of whether a discussion with a team member should occur in public or behind closed doors, and it made me a better leader. How do you make decisions? How did you handle it and what did you decide? One of our largest clients was having an issue with our latest software update and I had to decide between doing a fresh install on their system or trying to troubleshoot.

The fresh install would come with downtime, but it was a known variable. Whereas, if we took troubleshooting steps, it could resolve the problem eventually, but the company would be working with multiple software bugs and issues for an unknown period. I spoke to our representative from their company, and also spoke to the Account Manager within our firm who had originally brought this client on, since he had the closest relationship with the firm.

Based on this information, I felt the best way to resolve the situation was to do a complete reinstall of the software, causing 30 minutes of downtime, but solving the problem that day. I also spoke to our billing team to provide a special discount to help offset the lost revenue our software caused, which the company appreciated and thanked me for.

I also weigh the risks of each possible decision.

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Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?. How did you hear about this position?. What type of work environment do you prefer?.