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The population of San Diego, CA was estimated to be 1, in Minimum Wage The State of California enforces different minimum wages in some districts. The city of San Diego may be in a district with a different minimum wage than this. Additionally, the city served as a home for several military bases and naval air stations, which increased in size after World War II.

4 reasons local job boards are the way of the future

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So everyone will still need some basic skills interpersonal communications, basic arithmetic, along with some general culture awareness [so] they can have that flexibility. What I worry about is how well they will adapt when they are 35 or This ability to adapt is what distinguished Homo sapiens from other species through natural selection. As the rate of technological innovation intensifies, the workforce of the future will need to adapt to new technology and new markets.

The people who can adapt the best and fastest will win. This view means that any given set of skills will become obsolete quickly as innovations change the various economic sectors: precision agriculture, manufacturing 4. Therefore, the challenge is not only to teach skills, but also how to adapt and learn new skills.

Whether the traditional programs or new programs will be better at teaching adaptive learning remains to be seen. Many ambitious federal and state programs have fizzled, to produce dismal to no statistical change in the caliber of K education. Online mediums and self-directed approaches may be limited in effectiveness with certain labor segments unless supplemented by human coaching and support systems.

It is true that most online courses require self-direction. But in-person courses may also be self-directed. This works well for some students but not others. Students who are self-directed often have had a very good foundational education and supportive parents. They have been taught to think critically and they know that the most important thing you can learn is how to learn.

And they are also are more likely to come from economic privilege. So, not only does the self-direction factor pose a problem for teaching at scale, the fact that a high degree of self-direction may be required for successful completion of coursework towards the new workforce means that existing structures of inequality will be replicated in the future if we rely on these large-scale programs. What jobs? There will be many millions more people and millions fewer jobs in the future The problem of future jobs is not one of skills training — it is one of diminishing jobs.

How will we cope with a workforce that is simply irrelevant? But in the next decade or two, there is likely to be a significant amount of technological innovation in machine intelligence and personal assistants that takes a real swipe out of the jobs we want humans to have in education, health care, transportation, agriculture and public safety.

As for the skills for the employed fraction of advanced countries, I think they will be difficult to teach. Algorithms, automation and robotics will result in capital no longer needing labor to progress the economic agenda. Labor becomes, in many ways, surplus to economic requirements. By the time the training programs are widely available, the required skills will no longer be required.

The whole emphasis of training must now be directed towards personal life skills development rather than the traditional working career-based approach. There is also the massive sociological economic impact of general automation and AI that must be addressed to redistribute wealth and focus life skills at lifelong learning. We urgently need to explore how to distribute the increasing wealth of complex goods and services our civilization produces to a populace that will be increasingly jobless in the traditional sense.

The current trend of concentrating wealth in the hands of a diminishing number of ultra-rich individuals is unsustainable. All of this while dealing with the destabilizing effects of climate change and the adaptations necessary to mitigate its worst impacts. Timothy C. Following this wide-ranging set of comments on the topic, a much more expansive set of quotations directly tied to the set of four themes begins on Page From the employer perspective, this type of learning will only grow.

The automation of human labor will grow significantly. And having a workforce trained in discrete and atomizable bits of skills will be seen as a benefit by employers. This of course is a terrible, soulless, insecure life for the workers, but since when did that really change anything? There will also be a parallel call for benefits, professional development, and compensation that smooths out the rough patches in this on-demand labor life, but such efforts will lag behind the exploitation of said labor because big business has more resources and big tech moves too fast for human-scale responses of accountability and responsibility.

Look at Linux and open-source development. The world runs on both now, and they employ millions of human beings. Many, or most, of the new open-source programmers building and running our world today are self-taught, or teach each other, to a higher degree than they are educated by formal schooling. Look at Khan Academy and the home-schooling movement, both of which in many ways outperform formal institutional education.

This model for employment of self and others will also spread to other professions. The great educator John Taylor Gatto , who won many awards for his teaching and rarely obeyed curricular requirements, says nearly all attempts to reform education make it worse. We are by nature learning animals. We are each also very different: both from each other and from who we were yesterday. As a society we need to take advantage of that, and nurture our natural hunger for knowledge and productive work while respecting and encouraging our diversity, a fundamental balancing feature of all nature, human and otherwise.

But we will likely see a radical economic disruption in education — using new tools and means to learn and certify learning — and that is the way by which we will manage to train many more people in many new skills. An earlier and more enduring focus on stats and statistical literacy — which can readily be taught using current affairs, for example, analyzing the poll numbers from elections, the claims made by climate change scientists, or even the excellent oral arguments in the Supreme Court Texas abortion law case — would impart skills that transferred well into IT, programming and, especially, security.

About , years ago, Earth experienced its first Cambrian Explosion — a period of rapid cellular evolution and diversification that resulted in the foundation of life as we know it today. We are clearly in the dawn of a new age, one that is marked not just by advanced machines but, rather, machines that are starting to learn how to think.

Soon, those machines that can think will augment humankind, helping to unlock our creative and industrial potential. Some of the workforce will find itself displaced by automation. That includes anyone whose primary job functions are transactional bank tellers, drivers, mortgage brokers. However, there are many fields that will begin to work alongside smart machines: doctors, journalists, teachers. The most important skill of any future worker will be adaptability.

This current Cambrian Explosion of machines will mean diversification in our systems, our interfaces, our code. Workers who have the temperament and fortitude to quickly learn new menu screens, who can find information quickly, and the like will fare well. I do not see the wide-scale emergence of training programs during the next 10 years due to the emergence of smart machines alone.

The jury is very much out on the extent to which acquisition of knowledge and reasoning skills requires human interaction. We now have empirical evidence that a substantial percentage — half or more — can be gained through self-study using computer-assisted techniques. The path forward for society as a whole is strewn with obstacles of self-interest, ignorance, flawed economics, etc. Here I want to focus on other areas. The issue is not just training but cultural re-evaluation of teaching and healing as highly respected skills.

Few of us make anything we use — from the building we live in to the objects we own — and these things are mostly manufactured as cheaply as possible, to be easily bought, discarded, and bought again, in a process of relentless acquisition that often brings little happiness. Very easily accessible learning for how to fix these things themselves and making it economically rewarding, in the case of a common good — is a simple, basic example of the kind of ubiquitous craft learning that at scale would be enormously valuable.

Some of this can be taught online — a key component is also online coordination. Certainly science and technology are important, but we need to refocus liberal education, not ignore it. History, in all its complexity. Critical thinking — how to debate, how to recognize persuasive techniques, how to understand multiple perspectives, how to mediate between different viewpoints. Key skill: how to research, how to evaluate what you see and read.

Public learning is becoming the norm. Sites like Stack Overflow for software engineers demonstrate a new moral sense that learning in private is selfish. Instead, most focus will be on childhood education for the poorer sectors of the world. Udacity is a good example of the trajectory.

After starting a company to pursue the idea, he pivoted, focusing specifically on skill-oriented education that is coupled directly to the job market. These need not be MOOCs. Even mobiles can be sources of education. I hope we will see more opportunities arising for sharing this kind of knowledge. We let you cooperate with robots. New online credential systems will first complement, then gradually replace the old ones. The skills of the future?

Those are the skills a robot cannot master yet. Leadership, design, human meta communication, critical thinking, motivating, cooperating, innovating. In my black-and-white moments I say: Skip all knowledge training in high schools. We make you better than a robot. We build your self-trust. We turn you into a decent, polite, social person. And most importantly, we do not mix education with religion — never.

The subject-matter-specific part of a B. A large part of this time is spent not in a classroom but becoming fluent through monitored practice, including group work, internships and other high-intensity, high-interaction apprentice-like programs. There are possibilities for adding limited skill sets to otherwise qualified workers, e. Jobs that seem viable may fall victim to a surprising development in automation see, for example, filmmaking ; new categories of work may not last long enough to support large numbers of employees.

Automation and semi-automation e. Training is useful but not the end of education — only a kind of education. As for sipping: you need not know the name of every bear to know you should avoid bears. Yet the continual construction of knowledge and cultures requires more from us. So far, training formally as in Kahn Academy and Lynda.

No programmer or developer could keep up without the informal training of Stack Overflow. No need for debate. A little information sip will let us know. But what is left out? Collaborative construction of knowledge in new areas, deeper investigation into known areas, and the discovery of entirely new areas of knowledge.

This is our challenge: how to create wisdom from knowledge, not just jobs from training and information. Today programming is increasingly become a trade. The problem with many websites is not so much the training of the programmers as much as getting managers and C-level people who understand the new concepts of a world being redefined by software. We need to think about co-evolving work and workers. And, as always, critical thinking will remain the biggest challenge. Rigorous science and humanities courses help students learn how to learn.

Skills training all too often does not. Of course, it can complement core academic courses, and is likely to be part of a lifetime of learning for those switching occupations. But turning high school and college into narrow vocational education programs would make their graduates more vulnerable to robotic replacement, not less.

We need to invest in higher education, shoring up support for traditional universities and colleges, lest they eventually become bastions for reproduction of an elite, leaving the rest of society to untested experiments or online programs.

Online learning is a good complement for existing colleges — but cannot replace them. Online-only programs emphasize the upside of high-tech approaches, but rarely grapple with the downside. Big-data surveillance will track the work students do, ostensibly in order to customize learning. Get stuck on a lesson? Just keep interfacing with a keyboard, camera and perhaps haptic sensors.

Just let cameras record your every move and keystroke — perhaps your eye movements and facial expressions, too. They will just verify that student X can do task Y. It could be a very profitable business. If students pay less for actual instruction by experts, they have more money to spend on badges. This is the for-profit model — shift money away from instruction and amenities and toward administrator salaries and marketing.

There are serious worries about rapid centralization and reuse of student data by under-regulated firms. How individuals develop the skills will be less important [than] having the skills. As mastery learning evolves, so will our performance-based assessment systems, providing universities and businesses a greater set of evidence and qualifications then is currently available.

K teachers are constantly pulled from class time with students for professional development or during class are required to take attendance, [complete] grade assessments, fill out grade checks, practice fire drills — all degrading quality teaching time. If online systems just removed these barriers they would be a great benefit, but there is so much more these systems can offer. Many of the new skills necessary for jobs of the future require digital skills to be successful.

Too often education leaders and politicians make unilateral decisions about the interaction between teacher and learner instead of building and maintaining an environment for great teaching and learning to take place. Three dynamics that will affect all learning and retraining efforts: 1 Newer tools are changing our sense of identity. Everyone in a technology-based profession will need to be a quant [ quantitative analyst ] or keep up with the quants.

Because all human processes and activities can now be quantified, and there is considerable exploration and technology development in the application of quantification to everything from our sleep patterns and shopping habits to our emotions and online behaviors, many new and important business models are emerging from quantification and the learning algorithms that drive it.

Said simply, the greatest skill will be the ability to think through the cloud of facts, data, experience and strategic direction that products and services require. Design thinking or visual thinking will be a critical part of managing a data-driven world. Data mining and management can be taught effectively. Thinking, problem-solving, reflection and visioning are difficult to teach at scale.

It offers a more true moving score. But platforms like Coursera can amplify the talents of gifted and effective instructors and reduce the cost of education in the coming decade for all. Some schools and colleges will thrive and prosper at a level not seen in their history.

The greatest thinker of the 21st century, [whoever] he or she is, will understand more about how she thinks and learns than any student in any previous generation, and all before ever stepping foot inside a schoolhouse. Imagine for a moment the power of knowing beforehand how well you would perform on a test.

Telemetric education also offers the opportunity for everyone to raise his or her hand and be heard. This whole argument is a sham meant to attack the fundamental purpose and basis of education. A wide range of activities may enable skills to be learned — especially multidisciplinary skills, such as critical thinking or social interaction — without specifically teaching those skills.

Of course, they will continue to require the time and participation of the individual learner, and in many cases, social interaction with other learners, but the labor-intensive learning industry we have developed to this point will not be required. However, in 10 years it will be arguable and probably demonstrable that your own computer networks will know you better than any individual instructor could, even an instructor who worked with you your entire life.

Social media allows you to get up close and personal with potential employers. LinkedIn, for instance, allows you to connect with employers via friends and co-workers in your network. Twitter twitter. Similarly, Facebook facebook. Social media isn't just about receiving information; you can use it to contact potential employers and to actively network in your job search.

Researching Employers One of the best ways to track down jobs online is to research potential employers. If you have a specific field that you want to work in, use websites such as CareerOneStop careerinfonet. You can then research the company's details to see if it appeals to you as an employer. Interview questions often ask about familiarity with the company's mission, values, culture and future ambitions. Preparation can make all the difference in getting the job. Researching Pay When you are searching for a job, it is important to have reasonable expectations about your pay.

Several websites provide information about salaries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS , for instance, provides information about median and mean salaries in various fields. Vault vault.

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What does the future hold for Job Boards?

Jobs for the Future (JFF) drives transformation of the American workforce and education systems to achieve equitable economic advancement. Focusing on the perspective of job-seekers, this issue brief examines how online job boards and other information technologies change the job-. Overall, there is a modestly positive outlook for employment across most industries, with jobs growth expected in several sectors. However, it is also clear.