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The population of San Diego, CA was estimated to be 1, in Minimum Wage The State of California enforces different minimum wages in some districts. The city of San Diego may be in a district with a different minimum wage than this. Additionally, the city served as a home for several military bases and naval air stations, which increased in size after World War II.

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Local veterans employment representative job description

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Veterans Service Representative Resume Headline : To become employed with a company or agency that respects diversity, appreciates confidence and loyalty creativity and innovation with a strong commitment to striving towards excellence in every area. Skills : Data entry and processing, claims processing, Certification in Secondary Mathematics education.

Download Resume PDF Build Free Resume Description : Independently conducted investigations to assess eligibility for benefits to include, but not limited to informed decisions and other sources. Reviewed documents and interviews in person or via phone, and advocates to establish eligibility for a wide range of -Veteran's claims. Analyzed, developed, and requested required evidence from many sources civilian, medical, military and government sources.

Contracts for hospital care and medical services in non-Department facilities [] a When Department facilities are not capable of furnishing economical hospital care or medical services because of geographical inaccessibility or are not capable of furnishing the care or services required, the Secretary, as authorized in section of this title, may contract with non-Department facilities in order to furnish any of the following: 1 Hospital care or medical services to a veteran for the treatment of— A a service-connected disability; or B a disability for which a veteran was discharged or released from the active military, naval, or air service.

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C a disability of a veteran who has a total disability permanent in nature from a service-connected disability. The program shall be conducted by contract. In cases in which Department medical facilities are equipped to provide the care and treatment, the Secretary is also authorized to carry out such purposes through the use of such facilities not being utilized for the care of eligible veterans.

A dependent or survivor receiving care under the preceding sentence shall be eligible for the same medical services as a veteran, including services under sections and of this title. B The limitation in subparagraph A does not apply to an individual who— i has attained 65 years of age as of June 5, ; and ii is not enrolled in the supplementary medical insurance program under part B of the medicare program as of that date.

For purposes of determining such service of an individual, there shall be excluded any service described in subparagraphs A , B , and C of section d 2 of this title. B i Subject to the succeeding provisions of this subparagraph, of the amount available under subsection b 5 for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make available to each State with an application approved by the Secretary an amount of funding in proportion to the number of veterans seeking employment using such criteria as the Secretary may establish in regulation, including civilian labor force and unemployment data, for the State on an annual basis.

The proportion of funding shall reflect the ratio of— I the total number of veterans residing in the State that are seeking employment; to II the total number of veterans seeking employment in all States. B To carry out subparagraph A , the Secretary shall establish in regulations a uniform national threshold entered-employment rate for veterans for a program year by which determinations of deficiency may be made under subparagraph A.

C In making a determination with respect to a deficiency under subparagraph A , the Secretary shall take into account the applicable annual unemployment data for the State and consider other factors, such as prevailing economic conditions, that affect performance of individuals providing employment, training, and placement services in the State. B For any employee described in subparagraph A who does not complete such training during such period, the Secretary may reduce by an appropriate amount the amount made available to the State employing that employee.

C The Secretary may establish such reasonable exceptions to the completion of training otherwise required under subparagraph A as the Secretary considers appropriate. II A description of the standard practices of the State for evaluating training received by veterans while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces and evaluating the documented work experience of such veterans during such service for purposes of approving or denying a certification or license described in subparagraph B.

III Identification of areas in which training and experience described in subclause II fails to meet criteria described in subclause I. B A certification or license described in this subparagraph is any of the following: i A license to be a nonemergency medical professional.

C The Secretary shall share the information the Secretary receives under subparagraph A ii with the Secretary of Defense to help the Secretary of Defense improve training for military occupational specialties so that individuals who receive such training are able to receive a certification or license described in subparagraph B from a State.

D The Secretary shall publish on the Internet website of the Department available to the public— i any guidance the Secretary gives the Secretary of Defense with respect to carrying out this section; and ii any information the Secretary receives from a State pursuant to subparagraph A. Any such waiver shall be made on a case-by-case basis. B Other disabled veterans. C Other eligible veterans in accordance with priorities determined by the Secretary taking into account applicable rates of unemployment and the employment emphases set forth in chapter 42 of this title.

Preference shall be given in the appointment of such specialists to qualified disabled veterans. If, on the basis of such an audit, the Secretary determines that a State is not in compliance with paragraph 1 , the Secretary may reduce the amount of a grant made to the State under section A b 5 of this title. Preference shall be accorded in the following order: 1 To qualified service-connected disabled veterans. Cooperation of Federal agencies [] a All Federal agencies shall furnish the Secretary such records, statistics, or information as the Secretary may deem necessary or appropriate in administering the provisions of this chapter, and shall otherwise cooperate with the Secretary in providing continuous employment and training opportunities for eligible veterans and eligible persons.

Estimate of funds for administration; authorization of appropriations [] a The Secretary shall estimate the funds necessary for the proper and efficient administration of this chapter and chapters 42 and 43 of this title. Such estimated sums shall include the annual amounts necessary for salaries, rents, printing and binding, travel, and communications.

Sums thus estimated shall be included as a special item in the annual budget for the Department of Labor. Estimated funds necessary for proper intensive services, placement, and training services to eligible veterans and eligible persons provided by the various State public employment service agencies shall each be separately identified in the budgets of those agencies as approved by the Department of Labor.

Funds estimated pursuant to the first sentence of this subsection shall include amounts necessary in all of the States for the purposes specified in paragraph 5 of section A b of this title and to fund the National Veterans' Employment and Training Services Institute under section of this title and shall be approved by the Secretary only if the level of funding proposed is in compliance with such sections. Each budget submission with respect to such funds shall include a separate listing of the amount for the National Veterans' Employment and Training Services Institute together with information demonstrating the compliance of such budget submission with the funding requirements specified in the preceding sentence.

Administrative controls; annual report [] a The Secretary shall establish administrative controls for the following purposes: 1 To insure that each eligible veteran, especially veterans of the Vietnam era and disabled veterans, and each eligible person who requests assistance under this chapter shall promptly be placed in a satisfactory job or job training opportunity or receive some other specific form of assistance designed to enhance such veteran's and eligible person's employment prospects substantially, such as individual job development or intensive services.

Not later than February 1 of each year, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the performance of States and organizations and entities carrying out employment, training, and placement services under this chapter, as measured under subsection b 7 of section A of this title.

In the case of a State that the Secretary determines has not met the minimum standard of performance established by the Secretary under subsection f of such section , the Secretary shall include an analysis of the extent and reasons for the State's failure to meet that minimum standard, together with the State's plan for corrective action during the succeeding year. B Not more than five individuals from among representatives nominated by veterans service organizations that have a national employment program.

C Not more than five individuals who are recognized authorities in the fields of business, employment, training, rehabilitation, or labor and who are not employees of the Department of Labor. B Members of the advisory committee shall be allowed reasonable and necessary travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for persons serving intermittently in the Government service in accordance with the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5 while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of the responsibilities of the advisory committee.

Each such report shall contain— A an assessment of the employment and training needs of veterans and their integration into the workforce; B an assessment of the outreach activities carried out by the Secretary of Labor to employers with respect to the training and skills of veterans and the advantages afforded employers by hiring veterans; C an evaluation of the extent to which the programs and activities of the Department of Labor are meeting such needs; D a description of the activities of the advisory committee during that fiscal year; E a description of activities that the advisory committee proposes to undertake in the succeeding fiscal year; and F any recommendations for legislation, administrative action, and other action that the advisory committee considers appropriate.

Special unemployment study [] a 1 The Secretary, through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall conduct an annual study of unemployment among each of the following categories of veterans: A Veterans who were called to active duty while members of the National Guard or a Reserve Component.

D Veterans of the Vietnam era who served in the Vietnam theater of operations during the Vietnam era. E Veterans who served on active duty during the Vietnam era who did not serve in the Vietnam theater of operations. F Veterans discharged or released from active duty within four years of the applicable study. G Special disabled veterans. Purposes; sense of Congress [] a The purposes of this chapter are— 1 to encourage noncareer service in the uniformed services by eliminating or minimizing the disadvantages to civilian careers and employment which can result from such service; 2 to minimize the disruption to the lives of persons performing service in the uniformed services as well as to their employers, their fellow employees, and their communities, by providing for the prompt reemployment of such persons upon their completion of such service; and 3 to prohibit discrimination against persons because of their service in the uniformed services.

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C a disability of a veteran who has a total disability permanent in nature from a service-connected disability. The program shall be conducted by contract. In cases in which Department medical facilities are equipped to provide the care and treatment, the Secretary is also authorized to carry out such purposes through the use of such facilities not being utilized for the care of eligible veterans.

A dependent or survivor receiving care under the preceding sentence shall be eligible for the same medical services as a veteran, including services under sections and of this title. B The limitation in subparagraph A does not apply to an individual who— i has attained 65 years of age as of June 5, ; and ii is not enrolled in the supplementary medical insurance program under part B of the medicare program as of that date.

For purposes of determining such service of an individual, there shall be excluded any service described in subparagraphs A , B , and C of section d 2 of this title. B i Subject to the succeeding provisions of this subparagraph, of the amount available under subsection b 5 for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make available to each State with an application approved by the Secretary an amount of funding in proportion to the number of veterans seeking employment using such criteria as the Secretary may establish in regulation, including civilian labor force and unemployment data, for the State on an annual basis.

The proportion of funding shall reflect the ratio of— I the total number of veterans residing in the State that are seeking employment; to II the total number of veterans seeking employment in all States. B To carry out subparagraph A , the Secretary shall establish in regulations a uniform national threshold entered-employment rate for veterans for a program year by which determinations of deficiency may be made under subparagraph A.

C In making a determination with respect to a deficiency under subparagraph A , the Secretary shall take into account the applicable annual unemployment data for the State and consider other factors, such as prevailing economic conditions, that affect performance of individuals providing employment, training, and placement services in the State.

B For any employee described in subparagraph A who does not complete such training during such period, the Secretary may reduce by an appropriate amount the amount made available to the State employing that employee. C The Secretary may establish such reasonable exceptions to the completion of training otherwise required under subparagraph A as the Secretary considers appropriate.

II A description of the standard practices of the State for evaluating training received by veterans while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces and evaluating the documented work experience of such veterans during such service for purposes of approving or denying a certification or license described in subparagraph B.

III Identification of areas in which training and experience described in subclause II fails to meet criteria described in subclause I. B A certification or license described in this subparagraph is any of the following: i A license to be a nonemergency medical professional. C The Secretary shall share the information the Secretary receives under subparagraph A ii with the Secretary of Defense to help the Secretary of Defense improve training for military occupational specialties so that individuals who receive such training are able to receive a certification or license described in subparagraph B from a State.

D The Secretary shall publish on the Internet website of the Department available to the public— i any guidance the Secretary gives the Secretary of Defense with respect to carrying out this section; and ii any information the Secretary receives from a State pursuant to subparagraph A.

Any such waiver shall be made on a case-by-case basis. B Other disabled veterans. C Other eligible veterans in accordance with priorities determined by the Secretary taking into account applicable rates of unemployment and the employment emphases set forth in chapter 42 of this title. Preference shall be given in the appointment of such specialists to qualified disabled veterans.

If, on the basis of such an audit, the Secretary determines that a State is not in compliance with paragraph 1 , the Secretary may reduce the amount of a grant made to the State under section A b 5 of this title. Preference shall be accorded in the following order: 1 To qualified service-connected disabled veterans. Cooperation of Federal agencies [] a All Federal agencies shall furnish the Secretary such records, statistics, or information as the Secretary may deem necessary or appropriate in administering the provisions of this chapter, and shall otherwise cooperate with the Secretary in providing continuous employment and training opportunities for eligible veterans and eligible persons.

Estimate of funds for administration; authorization of appropriations [] a The Secretary shall estimate the funds necessary for the proper and efficient administration of this chapter and chapters 42 and 43 of this title. Such estimated sums shall include the annual amounts necessary for salaries, rents, printing and binding, travel, and communications.

Sums thus estimated shall be included as a special item in the annual budget for the Department of Labor. Estimated funds necessary for proper intensive services, placement, and training services to eligible veterans and eligible persons provided by the various State public employment service agencies shall each be separately identified in the budgets of those agencies as approved by the Department of Labor. Funds estimated pursuant to the first sentence of this subsection shall include amounts necessary in all of the States for the purposes specified in paragraph 5 of section A b of this title and to fund the National Veterans' Employment and Training Services Institute under section of this title and shall be approved by the Secretary only if the level of funding proposed is in compliance with such sections.

Each budget submission with respect to such funds shall include a separate listing of the amount for the National Veterans' Employment and Training Services Institute together with information demonstrating the compliance of such budget submission with the funding requirements specified in the preceding sentence. Administrative controls; annual report [] a The Secretary shall establish administrative controls for the following purposes: 1 To insure that each eligible veteran, especially veterans of the Vietnam era and disabled veterans, and each eligible person who requests assistance under this chapter shall promptly be placed in a satisfactory job or job training opportunity or receive some other specific form of assistance designed to enhance such veteran's and eligible person's employment prospects substantially, such as individual job development or intensive services.

Not later than February 1 of each year, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the performance of States and organizations and entities carrying out employment, training, and placement services under this chapter, as measured under subsection b 7 of section A of this title.

In the case of a State that the Secretary determines has not met the minimum standard of performance established by the Secretary under subsection f of such section , the Secretary shall include an analysis of the extent and reasons for the State's failure to meet that minimum standard, together with the State's plan for corrective action during the succeeding year.

B Not more than five individuals from among representatives nominated by veterans service organizations that have a national employment program. C Not more than five individuals who are recognized authorities in the fields of business, employment, training, rehabilitation, or labor and who are not employees of the Department of Labor. B Members of the advisory committee shall be allowed reasonable and necessary travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for persons serving intermittently in the Government service in accordance with the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5 while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of the responsibilities of the advisory committee.

Each such report shall contain— A an assessment of the employment and training needs of veterans and their integration into the workforce; B an assessment of the outreach activities carried out by the Secretary of Labor to employers with respect to the training and skills of veterans and the advantages afforded employers by hiring veterans; C an evaluation of the extent to which the programs and activities of the Department of Labor are meeting such needs; D a description of the activities of the advisory committee during that fiscal year; E a description of activities that the advisory committee proposes to undertake in the succeeding fiscal year; and F any recommendations for legislation, administrative action, and other action that the advisory committee considers appropriate.

Special unemployment study [] a 1 The Secretary, through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall conduct an annual study of unemployment among each of the following categories of veterans: A Veterans who were called to active duty while members of the National Guard or a Reserve Component. D Veterans of the Vietnam era who served in the Vietnam theater of operations during the Vietnam era.

E Veterans who served on active duty during the Vietnam era who did not serve in the Vietnam theater of operations. F Veterans discharged or released from active duty within four years of the applicable study. G Special disabled veterans. Purposes; sense of Congress [] a The purposes of this chapter are— 1 to encourage noncareer service in the uniformed services by eliminating or minimizing the disadvantages to civilian careers and employment which can result from such service; 2 to minimize the disruption to the lives of persons performing service in the uniformed services as well as to their employers, their fellow employees, and their communities, by providing for the prompt reemployment of such persons upon their completion of such service; and 3 to prohibit discrimination against persons because of their service in the uniformed services.

Relation to other law and plans or agreements a Nothing in this chapter shall supersede, nullify or diminish any Federal or State law including any local law or ordinance , contract, agreement, policy, plan, practice, or other matter that establishes a right or benefit that is more beneficial to, or is in addition to, a right or benefit provided for such person in this chapter.

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My experience as a Department of Veterans Affairs employee

Conducts outreach and coordinates with unions, apprenticeship programs and businesses or business organizations to promote and secure employment and training programs for veterans. Veterans Employment Representatives address the employment and training needs of unemployed and underemployed veterans by providing job search, placement, and. Local Veterans Employment Representatives perform a wide range of duties on behalf of veterans, specifically relating to employer outreach.